On 03/04/06, Andy Ross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think the original report might have been that you can "bury" a fast
> moving aircraft under the ground.  The 100 Hz granularity of the FDM
> computations isn't able to detect the exact moment of collision.
> That's a much harder issue to solve; you'd have to extrapolate
> backwards to make it work.

I have to add that this never seems like a problem to me.  My goal in
flying, either in real life or in FlightGear, is to keep the dirty
side down and avoid hitting anything.  The idea of a crushed plane
makes me a bit nauseous, and the fact that the plane unrealistically
buries itself in the ground doesn't seem like a big problem -- in real
life, hitting the ground at that speed, I wouldn't be alive to see
anything anyway.

All the best,



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