The idea that all the taxi/runway-signs would flood the fgfsdb is rather
ridiculous. Are windsocks in the fgfsdb? No. The *.stg files are for
static objects, period. This has *nothing* to do with the fgfsdb.
The question was neither if we want those signs (of course we do), or
if they are static objects (of course they are), but only how they should
be created. I think it makes the most sense to use the existing (yet to
be fixed) OBJECT_{RUNWAY,TAXI}_SIGN mechanism, because of the sheer number
of possible combinations. Probably less effective methods would be to use
"animated" xml/ac files (tex_translate etc.), or the use of render-to-texture. 

Of course the signs would have to be placed automatically, while manual
corrections/additions should always be possible. Just like for windsocks,
beacons etc.

* Chris Metzler -- Wednesday 05 April 2006 14:57:
> I've already made most of these in Blender and the Gimp,

I have made a Type1 font of all components, and could quickly generate
the textures with original font according to the spec. Some random
Grotesk/Helevtica is better than nothing, but if we can have the real
thing ...  :-)  OTOH, if you want yours to be used, I have no problem
with that.

> [...] to the work I did a year and a half ago on the Runway Distance Remaining
> Signs and the Python script that places them in an automated fashion.

I know, and it was, of course, my plan to use such an automated process
for placing the signs.

> [...] except for the fact that fgfs doesn't know about taxiway designations
> -- how would it know that this taxiway is "A", this one is "B", etc., 

That's IMHO not a problem. Who stops us from using what we have now, and adding
more as we get the info? If OBJECT_{RUNWAY,TAXI}_SIGN worked/works, we
could/can always add signs as we please.


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