Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Hi,
> In the course of developing the KC135, I noticed that parts of the autopilot
> function do not work in that model, copied from the B737 - the bits
> described as vor/loc and app. Investigation showed that the cause was simple
> - in JSBSim a jet ac does not have vacuum system. No vacuum - no Heading
> Indicator - no Heading Indicator - no vor/loc etc.  So quick as a flash I
> rustled up an electrically driven one. Simple solution? Wrong: when I tried
> to implement a dedicated instrument.xml configuration for the KC135, using
> the new Heading Indicator, the old one was still present (and still
> inoperative). This is caused by xmlauto.cxx initiating before
> instrumentmgr.xml, and creating the unnecessary nodes which it needs. So I
> changed the initiation order. But by this time I realised that the simple
> Heading Indicator we have is not what would be fitted to a KC135, or indeed
> any jet ac since the '50s onward. We need what I would call a flux gate
> compass (you might know a more modern term). This is more or less just the
> property orientation/heading-magnetic-deg, but I thought that, for
> completeness a proper flux gate instrument electrically driven etc, would be
> nice. So I coded up one, and amended xmlauto.cxx so that it uses whichever
> sort is configured and does not generate spurious ones.

Can't you just supply whatever property regarding the vacuum system that
the instrument is looking for?


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