I've taken the time and summed it up for all those, who don't want to 
read through all of it.

Basically the comments for improvement focus on three areas:

1. Usability
    - controls said to be confusing ( if your used to msfs/x-plane? )
    - new users are clueless how to use FG / features
    - fgrun is not shipped with FG in most Linux distributions (new 
users prefer a graphical frontend even on Linux)
    - tutorials and user education are missed
    - creating new aircraft is seen as tedious
    - customizing things by editing files is perceived as too geeky 
(users would like a GUI for everything...)
2. Performance
    - framerate is lower than in other flightsims

3. Eyecandy
    - airplane textures could be of higher resolution
    - graphics / shading could be improved
    - scenery is said to be lacking details (objects)
    - unfinished planes

I also noticed many of the features that users say they would like 
already exist but users simply don't know of them or don't know how to 
use them (e.g. multiplayer functionality).
Since some of this has been already documented, I conclude they have 
problems in finding the information they need.

Overall the comments are mostly positive and especially the 
Linux-community has been very happy about the progress made in recent 
Actually many of the complaints made in older posts have been remedied. 
Also the realism and accuracy is often pointed out as positive.
Windows users and MSFS/X-Plane users are a bit more negative in their 
comments. It also appears many simply don't understand the way open 
source projects evolve.

Hope this puts it in a nutshell,


Jon S. Berndt wrote:
>> Today, I was wondering what's someone else's take on FlightGear
>> is, so I did some googling and came across this thread:
>> http://forums.x-plane.org/lofiversion/index.php?t16495.html
>> Happy reading,
>> Ampere
> This is actually useful feedback, I believe. Some of it is on target and
> valid.
> Jon
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