Curt has pointed out some of the problems in using a non-real time 
operating system for real-time simulation but there are 
standards,software and hardware for this (see POSIX 1003.1d etc,real 
time linux,solaris,vxworks etc) although as has been mentioned 
portability is an issue. Also distributed systems are now 
"well-founded" (see various Beowulf papers,PVM,MPI etc) so there is 
scope there.
Maybe the property lists could be promulgated using a simple 
"directory" style database (eg LDAP if it has the performance needed) 
as most modules will probably write properties to be read by other 
modules so simultaneous writing of a particular property will not be a 
Maybe all this is a bit "academic" and I have been interested to read 
comments so will ferret around a bit and see what can be done.
I am retired now but spent >30 years in Nuclear Physics doing real-time 
data acquisition,analysis and display on distributed systems and have 
some experience in graphics,networking,security etc but I dont want to 
spoil the fun for the youngsters!!!
p.s. What really need is to get away from Von Neumann control flow 
architecture and have massively parallel dataflow machines - werent 
they called analogue computers?!

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