Martin Spott wrote:

>John Wojnaroski wrote:
>>Martin Spott wrote:
>>>Sorry, John, this has nothing to do with "selective morality" - as you
>>>allege. After reading these lines I'd say you have severe difficulties
>>>telling the difference between flying and shooting/killing.
>>Ooooooo,  I don't think so.....
>>>To make understanding it easier: Many/most of the old but also the
>>>modern warbirds are fascinating aircraft from a technical as well as
>>>from an aviatic point of view - no doubt. Yet this is significantly
>>>different from actually performing the shooting at some other aircraft
>>>or dropping bombs.
>>Ahhh, so the basis for acrobatic manuevering was...    and the reason 
>>you need to put 9G's on your body is.....  Your first point is quite 
>>correct, but again fly them to you heart's content and DON'T complain if 
>>others wish to do the same and simulate combat. That is all I am saying,
>Yes, I _do_ domplain !
>Here's your missing link: The simple reason that an aircraft was
>originally _built_ for shooting and dropping bombs doesn't justify to
>really _perform_ this action in a simulation as well. You're taking a
>way too simple route here,
I'm a simple guy...

Hmmm,  that seems a bit illogical.  Without the primary function or 
purpose for combat the aircraft would not have been built in the first 
place.  So if you feel that combat action, real or simulated, are not 
justified, don't build the vehicle or item that fulfills it's prime 
function in the first instance.  In other words, why build something if 
you don't intend to use it for the purpose it was built.

John W.

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