
> Could I make a slighly impolite request?
> Thanks to Olaf's work I have a working OSG build system for windows, but
> not plib, despite much work. I've heard that the flash2a model doesn't
> work on plib, but I've been unable to fix this as I don't have a plib
> executable.
> Could some kind soul create a windows plib binary for me please, or
> alternatively take a look at the problem on my behalf?
> Otherwise, I think it will have to be pulled from the release, which would
> be a shame.

Get http://www.oflebbe.de/oflebbe/FlightGear/plib-projects.zip in order 
to build plib branch. Someone please update these project files in the 
plib branch, please.

You can download an installer for FlightGear/plib branch at 

and of course http://www.oflebbe.de/oflebbe/FlightGear/FlightGearSetup.exe

for the real OSG thingy.

These Setup Files does not require MSVC8 SP1 to be installed and include 
the runtime as a private assembly, so they should be self-contained 
including all DLL's.

These installers does not include any data and are still work in 
progress. They do not uninstall Desktop and Startmenu items. Anyone here 
with NSIS experience?

And BTW an inpolite request for including me in the "Thanks".


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