On Friday 25 May 2007 15:13, Reagan Thomas wrote:
> Martin Spott wrote:
> > "Berndt, Jon S" wrote:
> >>Reagan Thomas wrote:
> >>>Short version:
> >>>
> >>>Here is the link to an updated patch which (a) corrects the
> >>>VRP precisely as Anders did with the F80C while removing the
> >>>somewhat incorrect Z offset in /Models and (b) adds several
> >>>contact points. It does not change any other pre-existing
> >>>gear, etc coordinates:
> >>
> >>The VRP is supposed to be a way for the 3D modeler and the FDM modeler
> >>to agree on a way to make sure that the 3D model is placed exactly where
> >>it is supposed to be placed.
> >
> > Did you get to an agreement wether the patch is correct or not ?
> >
> >     Martin.
> To the best of my newbie ability, I think I've gotten it correct.
> However, I've moved the patch to a different link :(
> New URL:
> I've identified about 30 aircraft that look like they might have similar
> issues.  Most of them I have only tagged because I found that the origin
> in the 3D model was not at the nose and didn't find complementary
> offsets in loading the model or VRP. I've been right about all but one
> that I've checked into further so far, but that doesn't mean much. If
> anyone else would like to peruse this (probably flawed) list:

The VRP isn't really an issue with YASim aircraft because the geometry is 
fundamental to the solver and as long as everything is consistant, that is 
the fdm, animations and visual origin, it should look and work correctly 
regardless of where the model and fdm origin is actually located.  You'll 
find that the early aircraft were done before the VRP concept was established 
and for YASim aircraft, at least, making them VRP compliant would have had a 
low priority because it would have had no effect on the behaviour or 
appearance of the aircraft but would have required a lot of work to re-align 
all of the animations.  Well, that was my excuse:)


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