Tim Moore wrote:
> This is going to be messy; you're going to have to dive into the code of
> FlightGear, SimGear, and probably TerraGear too.
> The terrain mesh created by TerraGear has texture coordinates that are
> appropriate for the surface texture in each triangle. You're either
> going to have to generate alternate meshes -- with a more uniform
> texture coordinate scheme -- from TerraGear, or you're going to need to
> use OpenGL TexGen stuff to generate the appropriate texture coordinates
> at runtime. Remember that all the geometry is in earth-centric
> coordinates  :) 
> So, I don't mean to be discouraging because I think this is ultimately
> the right approach in terms of bumping up terrain detail and
> implementing terrain and texture LOD, but you have a lot of hacking
> ahead of you.

Then it should be so. I'd really like to help making FlightGear better,
and of course I want to improve the things which, in my option, need it 
Since this one is quite high on my list of ideas for improvements, and 
else seems to work on it, I want to do it. Or at least try it. I believe 
you when
you say that it is going to be complicated, but wouldn't it be boring if 
it wasn't ?
I have to admit that at the moment, I have not the slightest idea about any
coordinates and stuff, but I'm willed to learn :).

(And well, maybe I shouldn't present myself as being sooooo helpless 
with this. Ok,
I'm completely new to the FlightGear source code and also to 3D programming,
but I think I'm at least not the asolutely worst programmer in the 
world, I found that
I can read and understand the FlightGear code a lot faster than I 
expected before,
and I know how to use a few development tools to untangle it and get a 
picture of how
everything works together. Again, I think this should be possible with 
some help from others.)



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