I wrote

> Sent: 06 July 2007 12:56
> To: 'FlightGear developers discussions'
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Today's CVS
> Hi all,
> Today's cvs seems to have solved thru problem of crashes with 
> traffic-manager when compiled with MSVC8, at least for short 
> runs. My testing is incomplete, since I have not been able to 
> test for extended periods, so the longer term memory leak 
> that has been reported may still be present.
> That is the good news. The bad news is that the ac taxiing 
> towards KSFO 28L disappear just as they arrive at the 
> threshold. Reagan Thomas has already reported seeing this. So 
> far as I can see, the ac are teleported to 28L, where they 
> take off and carry on normally. I have tracked this visually 
> and on radar, and it is repeatable.

After further testing I can confirm that the disappearance is readily
repeatable. If you position your ac on the threshold of 28R at KSFO, as the
AI aircraft are about to trample all over you they obligingly commit
suicide. The first then reappears well down runway 28L taking off, the
second just disappears.

On second thoughts this isn't perhaps such a bad idea after all, perhaps
it's a feature not a bug. 


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