Sorry, my FIRST reply was sent unfinished by accident!

Here is the right one :-)


Due to the special weather conditions tonight (only IFR possible) the
formerly described effect was very reduced but still visible (!).
So the trace (appended) might not be usefull, at least I cannot see
anything obvious. I will do another test within the next days with other
local METAR values.
Therefor my answers to your question are mostly related to  former

> Could you explain what you are seeing in terms of wind direction and
> strength? Is it:
> - oscillating in direction and/or speed
> - rotating continually?
> - chaotic?

Normally oscillating

> Are you seeing the problem generally, or only when the METAR changes as
> you fly from one zone to another?

Generally, directly after starting from the airport. But - as already
mentioned in a former mail - I have to set "--enable-real-weather-fetch".
Without this there are no problems visible.

> If it is easily reproducable,

Seems depending on the METAR conditions - is there but with different strenght

 could you run with the following
> command-line parameters and post the results, either to the list or
> directly to me:
> --trace-write=/environment/metar/real-metar
> --trace-write=/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from
> --trace-write=/environment/metar/base-wind-range-to
> --trace-write=/environment/metar/base-wind-speed-kt
> --trace-write=/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt
> --trace-write=/environment/config/boundary/entry/wind-speed-kt
> --trace-write=/environment/config/boundary/entry/wind-from-heading-deg
> If you could also describe the specific flight that repros the problem
> that would be most helpful.

No specific flight. Mostly from EDDV to EDDW or EDDW to other local airports. I 
used Bo105, PA 24-250 and PA 28-161.

> Once again, my apologies if this has spoilt anyone's flights. If this is
> causing people problems, it should probably be backed out. However, I
> would like to get to the bottom of the issue, as a (working) patch to
> interpolate METAR is something that we need.

Yes, please try to fix it, NOT remove it.
The old "classic" behaviour (instability of flight when changing METAR zone) 
was very annoying and unrealistic.

> -Stuart

Thanks anyway for your work in that area :-)

Georg EDDW

Attachment: Trace2EDDV.txt.tar.gz
Description: application/tgz

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