After Maik has clued me up about multiplayer properties -- that
only those are transmitted, which actually exist at init time
(which is why they need to be defined in the *-set.xml file),
it was time to add some generic properties for "internal communication".
That is: properties which aren't dedicated to a particular
function, but can be used by an aircraft to send data to its
mirror instances over MP.

There are for now:

Of course, this should be used sparingly. If you need to transmit
a path, don't transmit the full path, but only the parts that are
really necessary. For example, the bo105 will only transmit "foo",
when it actually means "Aircraft/bo105/Models/Variants/foo.xml".
The prefix and the ".xml" postfix will be stripped. There's still
the possibility to transmit "../../foo" if for some reason I want
to refer to a file elsewhere. (I didn't add double/long/bool, as
they would be transmitted as float/int/int, anyway.)

In one of the next protocol revisions, we won't have to transmit
these "single-shot" properties in every package (, I hope :-). 


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