Ofcourse we need to keep the current "free-flying" servers open for all kind of 
pilots.The special real-aviation (RA) server may be maintaned/controlled by 
some moderators like Curt proposed. If we have password acces theres the 
possibility to do some kind of "test" before you may enter the server? And when 
someone is not using the RA-server as it's used to be he/she could be banned 
for some time. There are always the open servers left to fly on if you're not 
longer welcome on the RA-server. But I don't think this will happens often. The 
playing-pilots aren't doing anything wrong, there's just no seperation in the 
servers, so they've no place to do what they want.
I know some people that really like FlightGear, but because the missing of a 
RA-server they don't wanna use FlightGear. It's one step further to a reallife 
based FlightSimulator, like we want.
What is needed to set up a MP-server?
If we know what we need we could search for it.
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