
* Erwan MAS -- Saturday 21 June 2008:
> In attachement 5 patchs for the cvs of fligtgear .

Please submit patches that have nothing to do with each other
in separate emails with meaningful subject each, and not only
a one-liner about what the patch does, but also a short
description about why we would want that feature, if it's
not obvious. (And I'm not saying that we don't want them :-).
That way each patch can easily be picked up by different
developers or be discussed in its own thread. Now we have to
discuss all patches in one thread. Messy!

> patch_001_helico.v3.txt
>  => add some helicopter specifics fields in the layer
>  commnunication between flightgear instance . 

The network stuff isn't exactly my domain, but there are
helicopters with more than 4 main rotor blades and 2 tail
rotor blades, so this patch isn't a generic solution.
I appreciate, however, that you tailored it for the bo105.  ;-)

What about 25?

  -const uint32_t FG_NET_FDM_VERSION = 24;
  +const uint32_t FG_NET_FDM_VERSION = 27;

> patch_002_multiplayer.txt
>  => add 2 options ( repeataddress / repeatport ) for multiplayer so evenement 
> can be
>     repeat to another instance of flightgear

That needs some more explanation. In which scenario would we
want that? That's to take load off the MP servers by mirroring
all incoming MP data locally to other machines, rather than
downloading it several times? Couldn't a local fgms do that?
Not that I have much knowledge about fgms, or MP in general ...

> patch_003_no_ai_except_multiplayer.txt
>  => add 1 option to eliminate all ai objects except multiplayer objects 

Hmm ... I have here traffic manager and ai aircraft turned off, so
I see only MP and scenario models. I'm not sure what I'd gain from
this patch in addition. BTW: the option name --disable-ai-restrict-multiplayer
is a bit long to type.  :-)

> patch_004_path_in_models.txt
>  => patch some files *.ac to change the texture path 

That's cosmetic changes to 87 model files ... or are there
circumstances where the absolute paths are a real problem?
Some 3D editor choking or something?  

> patch_006_netfdm_gear_agl.txt
>  => add another field in the layer commnunication between flightgear instance 
> .

And which?! Might be useful to mention that in a patch description.
OK, it's /position/gear-agl-m, which is only used by YASim, AFAIK.
Why would be want that sent over MP?


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