Yes, if any one would like to submit screenshots of the latest aircraft, or
scenery, or environmental effects or rendering features, please do and I can
begin assembling a new set of images.  However, so far no one has submitted
any new images to me so I haven't had to worry about it. :-)


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 5:49 AM, Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> Durk has suggested that I repeat some of my screenshot tips,
> as we need stunning new screenshots for the
> website. (What I write isn't binding, as I don't do this in
> any official function.)
> (1) contents: Obviously, screenshots should focus on new
>    features/scenery/aircraft. Those should be generally
>    available, ideally from our repository, but at least
>    freely downloadable on the net under GPL compatible
>    license terms. Please no aircraft etc. that are proprietary
>    or unreleased.
> (2) quality:
>    - use highest feasible filter settings (antialiasing, etc)
>    - hide frame rater counter, menu, dialogs (unless they
>      are part of what you want to demonstrate)
>    - use realistic scenarios: no 747 approach to the Nimitz etc.
>    - avoid the display of fgfs shortcomings: no rain in cockpits,
>      no cloud artifacts, no floating aircraft, no transparency
>      problems. (Yes, that's cheating. But people know that any
>      software (apart from TeX :-) has bugs, and demonstrating
>      bugs is not the purpose of our screenshots.)
>    - please understand that, in case there are *many* submissions,
>      Curt has to choose the better ones. (Unfortunately, that's
>      not usually one of our main problems.  ;-)
> (3) legal matters: though there's no official decision yet about
>    which license the screenshots should be under, the outcome
>    of a recent discussion implies that the rules set out under
>    should be valid. (A review by the FSFE -- the Free Software
>    Foundation Europe is still pending.)
>    No exceptions, please! Distribute your screenshots *yourself*
>    under whichever license you want, but accept that FlightGear
>    distributes them under these terms. Otherwise don't submit
>    any. (Unless Curt decides otherwise, of course.)
> (4) tools: Some older systems don't run well with high-quality
>    filter settings. People with such systems can use the attached
>    script to work around that:
>    - save it to ~/.fgfs/Nasal/   (create this dir if necessary)
>    - create a directory ~/.fgfs/Export/
>    - run fgfs "normally", find good motive, pause, press Ctrl-q
>      to save an XML snapshot of the situation
>    - re-run flightgear with that situation and with antialiasing
>      etc. turned on:
>        $ fgfs --aircraft=ufo ~/.fgfs/Export/snapshot-KSFO-bo105-1.xml
>    - find perfect sun angle, weather, perspective, then make
>      the screenshot with F3
> m.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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