On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 5:47 AM, Amit Vyas wrote:

> Hi all ,
> I am new to flightgear,and using following for compilation on a windows XP
> machine
> 1. freealut-1.1.0-bin
> 2. plib-1.8.5 (src)
> 3. SimGear-1.0.0 (src)
> 4. zlib123
> 5. fgfs-base-1.0.0
> 6. FlightGear-1.0.0 (src)
> I am trying to understand some code to create flightgear's CAVE version (
> CAVElib 3.1.1 )
> Any thoughts on this would be welcome it.
> To start off if I can get FlightGear into multiple sub projects that would
> be great because it takes too much time to get it compiled on my machine,
> having divided into sub projects will help me a lot to understand portions
> where I need to work.

Hi Amit,

If you peruse the source code layout you will find that FlightGear is indeed
divided into numerous sub-libraries.  They aren't setup as individual
projects though (especially not in the msvc sense of the word.)

The 1.9.0 version of FlightGear already supports multiple displays and
multiple windows (each with their own unique perspectives), and FlightGear
can sync multiple computers together over a network.  I think you could put
together a pretty convincing cave demonstration with just the stock v1.9.0

The only thing perhaps that is missing is head tracking and someway to
operate the aircraft.  I had good luck once hacking a wii-mote to function
as a joystick and was able to fly quite nicely with it.  Head tracking won't
be important for out the window views since you are so far away from the
world that head motion really won't affect your view.  But head tracking
probably would be pretty nice for looking around the 3d cockpits.


Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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