> If anyone else is seeing this (or isn't, with a clean, up-to-date
> tree), that'd be very helpful information, since I'm not.
I did some digging with the following result:
The code crashes when calling apt->getRunwayByIdent for airport OAKB and 
runway 29 for the OAKB 29 CAT II ILS.

With some debugmessages, I get

getRunwayFromName(NZWP 21  ILS-cat-I)
airportid: NZWP
runway: 21
checking for 21...
runway is 0x48150d0
runway for NZWP 21  ILS-cat-I is 0x48150d0
34.571194, 69.191528, 5962.000000, OAKB 29  ILS-cat-II, OAKB
runway for OAKB 29  ILS-cat-II?
getRunwayFromName(OAKB 29  ILS-cat-II)
airportid: OAKB
runway: 29
checking for 29...

with FGAirport::getIteratorForRunwayIdent modified, now the second printf() 
bombs. What's wrong in Kabul?

FGAirport::getIteratorForRunwayIdent(const string& aIdent) const
  string ident(aIdent);
  if ((aIdent.size() == 1) || !isdigit(aIdent[1])) {
    ident = "0" + aIdent;

printf("checking for %s...\n", ident.c_str() );
  Runway_iterator it = mRunways.begin();
  for (; it != mRunways.end(); ++it) {
printf("...%s\n", (*it)->ident().c_str() );
    if ((*it)->ident() == ident) {
      return it;

  return it; // end()

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