On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> Adding another language wouldn't be that hard. Actually, we had
> another one before nasal and beside nasal for a while. It was
> called PSL (plib scripting language), and we ripped it out because
> Nasal was/is just better and because offering and maintaining two
> languages it utterly pointless .
> And that's why I consider the likeliness of getting lua or any
> other language support committed approximately zero. I for one
> would strongly oppose ("veto"-style :-). Of course, what you do
> in your private copy or fork is your business.

Let me jump in with some pre-coffee comments (so I'm not yet responsible for
anything I say) :-)

Nasal is *very* well designed, compact, and efficient.  It is used heavily
throughout many areas of FlightGear.  So I can't imagine any scenario where
we would switch to some new scripting language unless a lot key developers
were convinced that it was every so much better that that benefit would
substantially outweigh the cost.  And I find that scenario hard to imagine.

I agree that if you want to play around with integrating Lua into your own
development tree, that's great.  You will learn a ton about flightgear and
it's internal structures in the process.

I tend to side with others that there would need to be some overwhelmingly
compelling reason to support lua along side Nasal within FlightGear.  If the
primary motivation is language preference, that is going to be a really
tough sell around here ... and that is because Nasal is *really* slick,
brilliantly conceived, well implemented, and it has served us so well.

But all that said, FlightGear is intended to be a developers sandbox, so
please feel welcome to play and learn and ask questions.

Best regards,

Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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