Hi Melchior,

Melchior FRANZ wrote:

> * Curtis Olson -- Sunday 05 April 2009:
> > Without seeing anything so far that I would consider a compelling
> > argument against, I vote for giving Tim the green light here.
> > Developer convenience has almost always been a good enough reason
> > in the past. 
> OK. Unfortunately, this is a route that I can't go with the project.
> I better watch that from outside. I still claim ownership of the bo105
> and will probably continue maintaining it after a longer pause (if I
> can keep my commit rights until then). All other areas that I maintained
> are free for adoption (gui, fg/nasal, new hud, voice, input).

I'm very sorry you feel that this is such a critical issue that you wish to stop
making your contributions to the project. You obviously feel very strongly
about this issue, otherwise you wouldn't be considering such a drastic step.

While I'm not convinced by Tim's arguments,  I accept Curt's comment
that this is new function that won't break anything that already exists. I'm
prepared to wait and see what this means in terms of actual code, XML
and properties. 

We already have some XML files that aren't completely part of the property 
system (IIRC, AI traffic, JSBSim configuration, materials.xml), and this is 
at least going to be part of that.  Plus, it is a significant step forward from 
our current shader support, where the shaders are hardcoded into the 
source code, and difficult to use (which is at least partly my fault!).

Finally, FG will always be a work in progress, and this decision isn't set
in stone. If we find that we really need to split up these RGB value, I'm
sure someone will be able to produce a patch. Therefore I'm not going
to get too worked up about it - there are plenty of other things for me to
worry about.

FlightGear is, of course, a collaborative project and that means giving
up some control in return for the benefits that it brings. Inevitably 
sometimes the project will go in directions you don't agree with. 
Personally, I feel that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages.

Feel free to respond to this on- or off-list.

Best regards,



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