I know we have a few aircraft that can drop sky divers.  The Noratlas was
the first one I recall.  However, these sky divers immediately pull their
chutes and drift down ... and the skydiver/chute model is very simplistic
... optimized to be viewed from the drop plane and optimized to have bunches
of these in the sky at one time.

Has anyone developed a more detailed model of a sky diver?  I'm especially
interested in the free fall phase.  (My brother is up to his 38th jump now I

A detailed jumper with articulated arms and legs (even with just a cannon
ball FDM to start out with) could be the start of an interesting training

My brother speaks of some of the training classes he has gone to where
different failure scenarios are presented, but you are sitting (or perhaps
lying) on the ground with no real urgency (except some false urgency of the
instructor yelling at you.)

If some of these failure cases could be cooked into a FlightGear scenario
with a free fall sky diver, there could be some good virtual urgency and
good training value so students can instinctively learn the right things to
do in various scenarios without forgetting key steps or key aspects of the

I know we have some nice pilot figures that people include in some of our
aircraft.  How hard would it be to develop a nicely detailed sky diver model
that can be posed in typical free fall positions?


Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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