Heiko Schulz wrote

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:aeitsch...@yahoo.de]
> Sent: 01 August 2009 13:58
> To: FGFS Developers Mail List; FlightGear user discussions
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Heliflyer :-(
> Hello community,
> Today I got sad news: Georg Vollnhals, also known as Heliflyer, passed
> away last month.
> Heliflyer was very involved with the Project FlightGear. He was very keen
> on making sceneries; he also programmed one of the first tools for FGFS,
> so it was now much easier to use FGFS and develope sceneries with AI-
> stuff.
> He was always there with advice and help, and it was him, who showed me
> the way into the Project FGFS and helped where he could.
> The current Eurocopter Ec135 and the upcoming BK117 was only possible with
> the help of helilyer, as he made high-resolution photos of the exterior
> and interior. He loved helis, and so he had the right job: beeing a
> emergency doctor on two rescue helicopters in EDDW, not far away from the
> north sea.
> I wish all the best for his wife and his kids
> Rest in Peace

Sad news indeed. Nice to think that his work will live on in FlightGear.

Best wishes to his wife and children at this difficult time. 


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