Just a notification / warning - I'm planning to land my GPS / FMS /  
route-manager re-write tomorrow (Monday). It's not perfect (yet) but  
already much more usable than the previous code. I'm sure I'll regress  
a few things initially, but of course I'll work through any issues  
that people report.

The new code does the following:

        - extends the route manager to deal with full flight plans - a  
departure and destination airport must be specified, and flight-plans  
can be loaded from a property list format. In the future I'll add  
support for loading flight plans in other formats (if they are  
specified), such as from Kelpie.

        - extends the route manager with support for defining waypoints by  
offset distance/radial from another waypoint (useful in faking SIDs/ 
STARs until I add support for real ones)

        (In the near future, there will also be support for airway and  
possibly VOR->VOR auto routing in flight-plans)

        - the GPS code fully supports LEG (flight-plan) OBS (act like a  
navradio) and DTO (direct-to) modes, and switching between them. In  
OBS mode any navid or fix can be used as if it was a VOR.

        - GPS / route-manager waypoint sequencing is reliable, unlike the  
previous implementation

        - the GPS supports querying for nearby waypoints by distance or ident  
(and soon, by name), and then selecting them as the active DTO or OBS  
waypoint. You can also step through the active flight-plan. Take  
together, this allows you to use the GPS for many real world  
operations, such as navigating to a IAF (look it up and DTO it), or  
being cleared by ATC direct to a waypoint and then automatically  
resuming LEG sequencing from that waypoint.

        - search results for navid waypoints include their frequency; search  
results for airports include runway length, headings, ILS frequencies  
and so on. (Configuration properties allow airports to be filtered  
based on minimum runway length criteria).

        - the GPS identifies a 'reference navid' (VOR) based on distance, and  
lists direction / range / frequency, and can optionally tune a  
navradio appropriately, to allow cross-checking the GPS position.

Taking it all together, the hope is that these features make it  
pleasant, or even easy, to implement most common GPS and FMS  
navigation features in Nasal and XML. I'm happy to add further  
features to support even more complex GPS / glass-cockpit functions.


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