Hi Nicolas,

Nicolas Quijano wrote:
> (Most of this written last night before bed)
> Hi all, commenting out code in the destructor won't help, as the problem 
> is being set-up much earlier, while FGFS is still in the initialization 
> stages (dt == 0) : in debug, there is a fatal assert on 
> SGSoundSample::freedata, being called by SGSoundMgr::requestBuffer, line 
> 429), itself being called from SGSampleGroup::update (line 104), 
> rumble.wav, ultimately going back up the call chain to fgOSMainLoop.
> I suspect the exit bug in Release is when it starts freeing stuff that's 
> not there to be freed. I say suspect 'cause I can't get there in Debug, 
> as it fails before finishing complete initialization.

Thanks for the hint. I believe I've found the cause of it after reading 
this section. Let me know if it helps.

> the alutinit++ stuff is wrong : alutinit is at 2 at the time the 
> destructor checks it, thus never calling alutExit (not that it matters, 
> alutInit does nothing but set a flag variable in the variant we use)
> there is one incrementation too much in there, and since it can only be 
> initialized once, why track a number ?

Hm that was a left over from a previous version. I thought I'd removed 
the line. Anyhow, Although FlightGear doesn't use the soundmanager class 
twice anymore I did use it to load sample while the 'real' soundmanager 
was not yet active (and nothing is preventing you from doing so). So 
I'll leave the code there, just in case.

> Why is SoundManager::load a static member function ? it's never called 
> that way, and always as a member function, so why ? (not major, but bad 
> form)

This is from the time when it was called from the soundgroup class, but 
you are right, it's not needed anymore.

> Could you guys build in debug and run it through and see what you come 
> up with ?
> I'm sure Erik could use the help.

Actually I've asked for help several times, so yeas please report 
anything that might be wrong.


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