* John Denker -- Thursday 05 November 2009:
> By way of pathetic non-excuse, let me remark that a few
> years ago I was rather authoritatively flamed for daring
> to put comments in FGFS code.

That's rather misleading. In fact you were criticized for:

- putting whole gdb stack traces(!) before several functions in a file
- "outdenting" comments within functions, thus making it harder to
  see the code's logical structure
- adding needlessly verbose comments, while one the other hand ...
- using bad variable names in the code, like nnn, ttt, iii in just a
  few lines of code. Here's an example from your patch:

  +  nnn = props.globals.getNode("/sim/presets/" ~ varname, 1);
  +  ttt = nnn.getType();
  +  value = nnn.getValue();

  Could have been "node" and "type". Or just "n" and "t".
  But long *and* meaningless seemed like a bad combination. You
  were invited to resubmit your patch with the points fixed, and
  you chose not to. That's all.


PS: beware: I can back that up with links to the archive!

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