For what it's worth, the [ ] key bug is also in OSG-2.9.5 (the latest
developer release last I checked.)  Bummer to have to open up the property
browser to change flap settings on takeoff and landing.  I was hoping this
would get fixed quickly because OSG seemed to make frequent releases, but
it's been quite some time now since they've rolled up a new release.


On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Csaba Halász wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Viktor Radnai wrote:
> > Hi again,
> >
> > I've built OSG 2.9.6 and rebuilt the latest CVS version of Simgear &
> > Flightgear against it. Unfortunately I still get the problem.
> >
> > (It's fairly certain that I use the latest OSG as my freshly built fgfs
> > won't even start without me setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH -- it would complain
> > about not finding
> >
> > What should I try next?
> --log-level=debug
> Among all the other messages, it should give you something like:
> User pressed key 88 with modifiers 2
> User released key 88 with modifiers 3
> User pressed key 120 with modifiers 0
> User released key 120 with modifiers 1
> (that was a X followed by x) The last bit signals a key release.
> The way I read the code, the modifiers are directly coming from OSG.
> You could try another OSG app, such as osgviewer, to see if it has the
> same problem.
> --
> Csaba/Jester
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