I am currently running FlightGear 2.0.0 (snagged from the ibiblio ftp
site) that I compiled on my Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit system.  Compiled up no
problem, but I have noticed that when I attempt to setup a master/slave
scenario that I get some odd artifacts on slave display.  The scene on
the slave looks as if the position of the aircraft is lagged behind, and
then it suddenly tries to jump to the correct location.  These artifacts
don't seem to appear in cockpit view or tower view, but they make all
the other views almost unusable.  I have checked the developers lists,
and I have seen people mention problems similar to this, but nobody
seems to have a good solution.   It could be a double precision problem,
or it could be the FG is propagating the view forward by a certain
amount of time and correcting the view when a new frame of data comes


Here is the master system's command line I am using.

./fgfs -aircraft=c172p -native-fdm=socket,out,30,192,168.1.9,5500,udp


Here is the slave's command line.


./fgfs -aircraft=c172p -native-fdm=socket,in,30,,5500,udp


I have played with the update rates of both the socket inputs and
outputs and it did not make much difference.  I  have relatively a hot
system and video card, so I have tried frame-rate-throttle-hz settings
of 30 or 60 to see if would help (it did not).  Am I missing something
in the command lines or is this the expected operation of the views?

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