As I have not been able to find any doc's or forum topics expounding on it, 
could someone explain a few things to me about Instant Replay?

First off, what parameters are logged by it, or what defines if a parameter is 
logged by it?  ie, thrust reverser use do not replay, but flaps do.   This 
doesn't seem to be by model builder choice (?), unless Instant Replay is tied 
into multi-player parameters?

Secondly, in using it to test a few modifications, I found this 
sort-of-an-issue.  I say sort-of, for it would be rare for someone to find it.  
Took me 2 years.
        - If you start FG, and attempt to use Instant Replay with the default 
90 second timeframe in _less than 60 seconds Sim time_, FG will crash with a 
CullVisitor~nan nan nan error.
        - And so, if you start FG and set the replay time for a shorter period 
than sim time, it will work.
        ....makes sense, other than it shouldn't crash FG.
        But, if you wait for the Sim clock in the property browser to reach 60 
seconds, you can enter _ANY_ duration into the replay time menu (200 seconds 
for example), and the replay function will simply drop you back at the spawn 
location until the clock counts down to your spawn and movement time.

        So, why won't it do that under 60 seconds?

I only found the issue since I was attempting to see what I could make work in 
replay.  So, it's not really an issue, but thought I'd pass it along.  If 
someone can fill me in on the first question about what is or can be tied into 
the replay function for aircraft parameters, that would be great.


ref: tested senario in 2 aircraft and the mibs, to ensure consistency.
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