On 04/03/2010 11:34 AM, John Denker wrote:
> On 04/03/2010 10:21 AM, dave perry wrote:
>> I get the following error compiling fgfs.
>> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopenal
>> But /usr/lib64/libopenal.so.0 =>  libopenal.so.1 =>  libopenal.so.1.11.753.
> Note that "libopenal.so" (with no suffix) is not listed.
>> My .bashrc has the line
>> export
>> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/lib64:/usr/local/lib/osgPlugins
>> so I don't see why ld is not finding -lopenal?
> As a test (and, probably, a workaround) try installing a symlink
> with the name "libopenal.so".
Thanks John, this worked.
> ========================
> This of course leaves two unanswered questions:
>   1) Why is libopenal.so missing from the out-of-the-box system?
>   2) Why was its absence not detected during the autoconfigure step?
I had another problem that I missed.  I copied the cvs source from 
another machine and "configure" for fgfs source did not have "execute" 
permissions after the copy.  I had used an update/compile/install script 
for SimGear and fgfs and did not notice the permission error for fgfs 
./configure.  All is running (very fast) now.

Dave P.

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