
 True, and agreed.

Now, I double-dare you to try to explain that on the forum if 2.1 doesn't double their frame rates :p

Mind you, the individuals in question are certainly in the minority. Unfortunately, though, that isn't seeming to stop them dragging others along for their ride :-(

At any rate, I'm convinced that this is the year FG will "rise up" and become more than just a serious contender on the field. Ergo, I doubt much damage is being done in the forum that won't simply fade into insignificance soon enough :-)

Erik Hofman wrote:
Mattt wrote:
If so, I'd probably recommend calling it an RC or similar. Hopefully, that may stop the (few) whingers on the forum carrying on about how the devs "released another version that still isn't ready for prime-time consumption"...

Well if I recall it correctly I've seen mostly bugfixes and non code related improvements so far.


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