Hi Stuart
sorry that I am that stubborn on this - but somehow I am afraid that
this item could affect our ideas of a "free and open" community.

And I am glad to see that Rob has similar concerns - and also Peters
aspect of MPmap is making me worry even more - because which ATC does
not also use the MPmap in parallel for the Area/Approach control? - and
if it gets hectic the poor ATC might confuse himself by seeing traffic
in MPmap which is not on his ATCradar. (Happens to me all the time when
people show up at EDDF on MPserver02 - they usually pop in/out PilotList
all the time and drive me nuts! Seems to be a poor data-exchange between
MP02 and the rest of MPservers. Generally it works - with interrupts!)

Maybe just a MouseKlick in the PilotList to set a different color in the
PilotList could be good enough for "ignore". (But does it disappear when
the pilot "pops out because of delayed MPserver-data" or when the pilot
keys "p" for pause (e.g. to type a msg)???

With all the other "ratings/grades/etc." i would propose something even
more drastic then you propose now -- but be warned: that would be a very
big effort and would have some impact on many areas of design and

In the forum there are many who try to build up Flying-Schools -
although it seems it is just impossible to find teachers being available
on a constant, long term schedule -- as well as enough students that are
willing to "go to school" on a scheduled period.

To attract students I would propose "real grades from the (to be build
up) FlightGear academy" shown in the FlightGear Member-List - and only
being set by "authorized instructors". (The member himself must have the
ability to show/noShow that grade!) That marks could be picked up in
FlightGear and shown in different colors in PilotList (may be even in
MPmap). That could develop to become a big "stimulus/attraction" (and
could be withdrawn if needed!). Also our Graphical-enthusiasts could
develop nice certificates - even good enough to pinup at the
working-place (and thus help us promote FlightGear!). See e.g.
http://www.emmerich-j.de/FGFS/SOLO.png - I still show that proudly
everywhere - and what is the difference between a certificate from AOPA
or FGFS?? For sure it would be a good advertisement (for FGFS!)!

But that would be a rather complex change and needs a lot of people to
join in -- and I am not sure that would be wanted by the "free and open"
community! And I am not sure it could be realized - because of manpower
Could that be something to evaluate??


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