On Sun, 10 Apr 2011, Arnt Karlsen wrote:

>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 2:15 PM, Anders Gidenstam wrote:
>>> The small changes needed to add a separate GC thread are available
>>> here: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/misc/test/sg-gc-2.diff
>>> http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/misc/test/fg-gc-1.diff
> ..how do I apply these 2 in my git tree?


With patch -p1 < ../the/patch/file.diff  from the top-level of the 
respective source directories.

However, the result is very similar to the standard FG since even if the 
GC is run on a different thread it still takes the same amount of time 
and while it is running the main thread will be blocked waiting for it as 
soon as it tries to run some Nasal code.

Note that there is a spurious change in simgear/nasal/code.c that makes
variable creation without the var keyword illegal. I use that to make sure 
my Nasal scripts are clean in this regard but there are plenty of scripts 
in fgdata that do not pass that test (and, well, they are still valid 
Nasal). I'll update the patch file ASAP but please revert that file to 
the standard one in the meanwhile.


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://www.gidenstam.org/FlightGear/

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