This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if we have any developers here
who might be interested in talking about a specific android (or ipad)

As many of you may know, I am involved with a small company that is
developing a UAS (UAV) and autopilot.  We have a PC based ground station
already developed, but we thought it could be cool to investigate developing
something for a mobile tablet platform.  The sorts of things we would be
looking at include:

- live moving map to track the flight in real time (along with other
important data)
- route plotting/planning
- accept and relay basic commands to the UAS (like route changes, altitude
or airspeed changes, etc.)
- glass cockpit display (similar to this:
- display or overlay other real time data from the UAS (for debugging or
detailed monitoring of the flight in certain circumstances)
- maybe some sort of IP based live video feed (?)

This is a low budget project, but we might be able to find a small amount of
funding to go towards this effort if we found the right person.

Anyone want to chat more about this?


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