On Aug 16, thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi wrote:


> 2) I have the Corse custom scenery
> http://helijah.free.fr/flightgear/scenes.html#Corse
> installed under my FG 2.0.0 FGData. With my GIT version, I don't actually
> have any scenery under FGData but instead use the commandline option
> --fg-scenery=/usr/share/FlightGear-2.0.0/Scenery/
> That works fine everywhere else I can see, *except* for Corse (LFKJ for
> instance) where I see none of the objects which should be there (works
> fine with 2.0.0).
> First obvious thing - the scenery requires models installed under
> /Models/Region-Corse/ - so I copied that folder into my GIT FGData (and it
> is readable).
> Still no objects. What am I missing?

>From the extracted tarball of Corse scenery (under a Corse/ directory on
my box), I had to mv Corse/Scenery/* Corse/. to be able to use them.
After that adding a path to fg-scenery works as expected (I have just 
tried LFKJ and LFKB a few minutes ago):

  fgfs --fg-scenery="/home/Corse/:$FG_ROOT/Scenery/:/home/terrasync"

using OSG/3.0.1 and git from yesterday (simgear/flightgear/fgdata).


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