Am 17.08.2011 16:11, schrieb Curtis Olson:
> Here is a quick announcement that FlightGear v2.4 is now officially
> released!  You can read the full announcement on the
> <> web site here:
> A huge !!!THANK YOU!!! to all the developers and contributors involved
> in making this the best version of FlightGear ever!

I dare to name a few of those outstanding people who contributed a huge 
amount of their spare time over the last months. This release only 
exists because of the excellent and continuous work of ThorstenB, Fred, 
James and Gene. Thank you, guys!

And as Curt said: Thanks to all the developers who contributed to and 
supported FlightGear. It has been a pleasure and an honor working with 
you! Now, I'm looking forward to five month without release activity. 
And I'm sure most of you do so, too ;-)


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