So I have nothing against cmake, it sounds like it offers some nice
features.  But I assume those that want to push this change forward, will
take some time to write up some basic howto's so that people who have never
used it as a developer can get up to speed without too many problems?

Right now when I poke around on the wiki and I'm sure the getstart manual,
all the instructions are automake based.  Hopefully  we can do some
proactive hunting of automake references in our instructions scattered
around and get those cleaned up in advance?

Are there any cmake based build instructions available anywhere?  I'm not
seeing them.

When building OSG, you run "./configure; make; make install" like any other
project.  However, ./configure is an automake/conf generated in flightgear.
 For a cmake dummy, how do you even go about building flightgear with cmake?
 (I of course know everything, but I do have a friend who's a little
inexperienced with cmake.)

Is there a way to do the equivalent of "make dist" in cmake to generate
.tar.gz source releases?  Has this been tested to see if it includes all the
necessary files?

We have some extra automake rules to help create the data archives (which is
important because this officially defines what goes into the release
installer for both Mac and Windows as well as the data archive for people
building from source code (who aren't doing 3Gb of git for the data tree.))

I'm just hoping the cmake jocks will put themselves in the position of
non-cmake jocks and help ease the transition from multiple fronts for many
of our different classes of users/developers.



2011/9/5 Mathias Fröhlich <>

> Hi,
> On Monday, September 05, 2011 14:47:44 Alan Teeder wrote:
> > Please don´t.
> >
> > I reverted from VC100 to VC90 as the Cmake process was always failing.
> > There is a difference between Hudson saying that all is OK with Cmake and
> > Visual Studio VC100 producing working executables.
> >
> > This was all with the de-facto standard 3rd party package from
> >
> >
> > I could get the system to work, but then it would all go wrong after a
> few
> > days or weeks. On the other hand the current VC90 project files seem
> quite
> > robust.
> Then please tell what is going wrong.
> This is like every piece of code lingering around in this and similar
> projects. The people doing the changes do their best to make it work. But
> if
> there is something failing on some other platform/configuration/...
> feedback is
> needed.
> Thanks
> Mathias
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