On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:10 AM, James Turner <zakal...@mac.com> wrote:

> On 2 Oct 2011, at 19:00, J. Holden wrote:
> > Still, as a scenery developer and not a programmer, I'm still wondering
> what the limit is before the "swirlies" start floating around. Is it
> vertices? Fans? Triangles?
> It's 65536 vertices per BTG, in total. Strictly, this isn't true - the BTG
> format already supports 2^32 vertices / normals / colors in the file, but
> any object (tri / strip / fan) can only specify any index from 0..65535, so
> the higher vertices can't be used in any meaningful way.
> The good news is, I have the code to read a newer version basically done,
> which will make all the indices 32-bit, while of course keeping
> compatibility with existing BTG files of the current versions.
> Bad news is, we also need to update the writer code, and then measure how
> much the file size increases, after gzip compression.

Hi James,

Here's a random idea on the writer side:

Would it be possible to do something like:

if (size of any of my structures are > 65535) then

Then we'd be spending are larger index bits on the files that need them, but
not paying the penalty across the board on every scenery file.

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