> We would like surface-wind/speed-kt, /direction-from-deg,
> /velocity-from-east-fps, velocity-from-north-fps, (please not 'from
> heading'
>  ), but use whatever is easiest, we can handle the conversions easily
> enough.

Torsten, does that sound viable to you? I'll be happy to write them from
Local Weather, but we should agree on a set of names to write.

> That would be great - we thought perhaps this is what the property
> overcast
> was intended to do, but it's different in Global and Local weather.

In my way of thinking:


The amount of haze color mixed to the sky color. Unless it's very close to
1, the effect is more like a thin haze layer at high altitude not really
blocking the sun, if it's close to 1 it can double as a credible but cheap
overcast layer from below (doesn't work from above obviously). Not really
a good proxy for cloud coverage


This directly dims the sunlight and is supposed to represent clouds
blocking the light. Unfortunately, in many situations it turns out to be
an overkill (it doesn't do to dim the whole sky when you're circling below
a cloud) so I only use it in low visibility situations such as inside
rough weather (heavy rain usually).


This is supposed to represent the (perception-weighted) light intensity
below the clouds, i.e. it selectively dims the terrain only without
touching the sky. Probably, this is more or less what you'd like to use.

> The  math
> can be done out in the GPU - there's plenty of scope to offload tasks
> from the CPU.

Not necessarily. I was a bit shocked yesterday when I flew the IAR-80 and
lost 1/3 of my framerate with the skydome scattering shader on - it has
never ever affected my framerate that much, but I suspect the IAR80 places
a high workload into the GPU to begin with, so suddenly this becomes the
bottleneck of the whole operation.

As for putting math to the GPU - from an algorithm point of view,
something doesn't seem right. Cloud cover is something we want to compute
once per minute or so - putting it into a vertex shader means it's
computed per frame per vertex, that seems a bit excessive.

Is there a way of putting things to the GPU such that they're only
computed once per frame? For instance, for every cloud vertex we compute
the eye position by multiplying zero with the inverse model view matrix -
although it doesn't change from vertex to vertex! That's a few thousand
matrix multiplications per frame which we actually don't really need to

With rendering haze (and some people are thinking of rain already, some
asking for cloud shadows) I see us running rapidly out of GPU


* Thorsten

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