On Sat, Oct 22, 2011 at 10:03 AM, James Turner wrote:

> Hello again,
> Barring last-minute objections, I would like to declare CMake 'the' build
> system, from tomorrow onwards. Since my last email I've added a README.cmake
> to flightgear, and I'm working on ensuring the 'make dist' features of
> automake are replicated in CMake (via CPack) so when 2.6 time comes around,
> we don't have too many surprises.
> My plan is to disable the automake builds on Jenkins tomorrow (Sunday), and
> then start removing the automake build machinery, and the projects/
> subdirectory, from the simgear and flightgear source trees.
> (I can create a Git tag prior to removing any files, if that's of
> interest?)
> If there's lingering queries about Cmake, or requests on the 'best' way to
> handle the transition, please let me know. Feedback on the README file would
> be appreciated too, or even commits / patches to improve it!

It might be a bit extra work, but it would be good to take the source.tar.gz
files that cmake creates, unpack them in a new directory and just make sure
we can do a clean build from them.  This always seems to expose a file or
two, or a header that someone forgot to add to the automake.am so it never
got included in the source distribution.  (i.e. you could build from git
just fine, but things were missing in the source distribution.)  These are
usually easy to fix, but it's good to catch them earlier rather than later.


Curtis Olson:
http://www.atiak.com - http://aem.umn.edu/~uav/
http://www.flightgear.org - http://gallinazo.flightgear.org
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