On 20.11.2011 11:52, Gijs de Rooy wrote:
> The problem right now is that some of the shaders (eg. the reflection
>  stuff and lightmap) only depend on that single "Material Shaders"
> property. It would be better if every single shader can be
> en/disabled via its own property/checkbox.
> But then we might end up with a pretty large rendering dialog...

I already find the current dialog a bit overloaded. But how about 
creating an advanced, separate dialog which lists all the shaders and 
provides a checkbox for each? And all shaders should be modified to 
check the main switch (/sim/rendering/shader-effects) plus at least one 
additional switch property?

MIght also be a good idea to structure the shader switches a bit and 
move them to a separate place, i.e.
/sim/rendering/shaders/enable (main switch)

Seems like anyone with an ASCII editor could help on this one. More 
ideas? Volunteers? :)


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