On Mon, 5 Dec 2011 10:13:31 +0200 (EET), thorsten.i.r...@jyu.fi wrote
in message <37256.>:

> With my computer still out (the repair company asked me to send it
> back after I wrote a summary of my thermal management problems, so it
> seems to me they did something bad with the BIOS) and no real idea
> when it comes back, I am starting to see a problem.

..uhoh, you sent your disk too???

> Local Weather as currently committed is in an inconsistent state. The
> GUI fits the old mode-based system before I started switching to the
> new cloud system, but the package is using the new rendering system
> for all clouds it should except Cb.
> So, as Durk has noticed a while ago, some options lead to errors when
> ticked on startup. In addition, there is probably (I haven't gotten
> around to see it) an altitude problem - cloud layers are appearing
> with an offset to the altitude they should be. Cb clouds currently
> utilize a mixture of old and new clouds, which is bad if they drift
> in wind, because then they are pulled apart as half the cloudlets
> move, the other half doesn't.
> All this needs to be fixed for a release, and I originally planned to
> have it fixed four weeks ago or so - before my hardware crash.
> Unfortunately, even if I get my computer back tomorrow, by now I have
> such a large backlog of work-related stuff plus the task of getting
> the cmake environment to run that I'm not sure I can resume
> Flightgear development before Xmas holidays. On my spare computer,
> it's basically hopeless - I have currently 2.1 GB harddisk space left
> - that's not even enough to hold an FGData pull.
> So, I'd need some advice on how to handle it. If we want to strictly
> stick with the release plan, then I'd need a volunteer helper to make
> the necessary changes to the code before the deadline, rewrite the
> GUI and commit the thing. None of this is big, basically it's routine
> changes of numbers or duplicating and slightly modifying existing
> cloud definitions, inserting if clauses and flags and do xml work for
> the GUI - but it's difficult to get right when working completely
> blind without any chance to test for bugs. The other option is that I
> make the relevant changes in January despite feature freeze. Or the
> third option is that the old version of Local Weather gets shipped
> with 2.6 - the flag to do so is still in the code.
> Please let me know what you think!

..are you able to work over e.g. ssh on somebody elses box? 
Is anyone able to offer him e.g. ssh access on one of their 
boxes?  (I still need an home for my gasifier and my boxes.)

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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