On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 6:00 PM, Csaba Halász <csaba.hal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know this information is very sketchy right now, and I will be
> performing more tests

Ok, I have done various test flights, the most recent in the ufo with
all eye candy disabled, and the problem persists. At the end of an
EGCC-EDDF flight (mimicking the flight profile of the concorde), my
cull time was up to 22ms limiting fps to about 20. Simply restarting
at the same place, cull time was around 4ms with fps in excess of 50.

I am puzzled ... and annoyed ;)

Also a different issue: I seem to recall there was a golden era when
model loading was nicely done in the background, not causing severe
stuttering in the display. Nowadays if I look around the scene, FG
freezes for seconds at a time.


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