On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 9:16 AM, Thorsten Renk wrote:
>> Rather than passing in the eye position as a uniform, why not
>> pass in the cloud altitude instead? Is this simply to avoid
>> needing to modify the C++ code?
> I thought uniforms are things which are per frame constant in the scene
> and apply to all objects the same way - i.e. I pass light attenuation
> (scattering) or terminator position as uniforms to the shader.
> I don't see that cloud altitude falls into that category - it is constant
> per cloud, but not per frame throughout the whole scene, I have clouds
> with very different altitudes floating around. It seems on would need to
> pass it the same way as, say, the top, middle and bottom shade parameters
> on a per cloud basis.

I think they are constant per object. However, it may be that the interaction
between the 3D clouds C++ code and the effects files makes it difficult
to set them per-cloud without modifying the C++ code.

Once the 2.6.0 release is out the door and the new Impostor code is
committed, I'll see if I can add it.


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