> * All major bugs fixed?

I found three in the last days - one major and two minor - since I have
added some sunrise/sunset support features to my working copy of Local
Weather, I'll just list the fixes rather than provide the updated files:


local_weather.nas, line 2917 (just after 'Starting hard-coded terrain
presampling'), insert the line


(we used to have to start it with that property, or this used to be part
of the compat layer checks, but now it is needed to switch terrain
presampling on properly).


weather_tiles.nas, line 857:

rn = 0.1;

is for debug purpose and should be commented out.


weather_tiles.nas, line 1004;

var alt = spread * 400.0 + local_weather.cloud_vertical_size_map["Nimbus"]
* 0.5 * m_to_ft;

has an obsolete altitude correction in and should just be

var alt = 400.0;

to get the correct altitude for Nimbostratus layers


If someone could just edit these on FGData master please?


* Thorsten

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