
here is the log of the meeting we held today as a first measure to formalize 
future scenery development processes.
I deleted any mail adresses for privacy reasons.


[17:26:58] <MartinSpott> I'm just interested in the log, thus if you prefer 
to chat on 'your' server, then I'm completely satisfied if you'd create a 
[17:27:12] <papillon81> MartinSpott: that's planned anyway, yes
[17:27:46] <MartinSpott> Ok, then you'd better save your time and use your 
favourite server
[17:28:02] <papillon81> now we are almost all here
[17:28:17] <MartinSpott> Ah, I was just about to leave  :-)
[17:28:30] <itchi_> arf :/
[17:28:42] <papillon81> whatever
[17:28:45] <papillon81> let's start
[17:28:47] <MartinSpott> Really, I just interested in the log
[17:29:27] <itchi_> MartinSpott: There where a few that had some questions
[17:30:01] <itchi_> Maybe time to start no? Not that i have any particular 
[17:30:25] <itchi_> MartinSpott: BTW, i'm David Van Mosselbeen (if you have 
read my mail on the devlist)
[17:30:30] <Blackiris> Yeah, ok
[17:31:28] <ysablonier> MartinSpott: Is there a tracker for issues/task 
world scenery related?
[17:32:54] <MartinSpott> Don't know, I didn't create any tracker
[17:32:57] <-> ysablonier heißt jetzt gral
[17:33:00] <gral> So.
[17:33:55] <MartinSpott> If you'd like to track Scenery issues, I think the 
bug-tracker @ Google is the place you're looking for
[17:34:16] <MartinSpott> At least that's the only one I've been monitoring 
[17:34:23] <Blackiris> Martin: do you have at least some todo list about 
world scenery tasks?
[17:34:54] <gral> My proposal is to open another tracker for the World 
Scenery Project, more for the tasks
[17:35:36] <papillon81> gral: i'd say a scenery specific tracker, which 
includes issues in TG and in the released scenery
[17:35:50] <MartinSpott> I'm having _my_ todo list concerning the land cover 
vectors.  Aside from that, you'll find a couple of requests on the -devel 
mailing list
[17:36:45] <MartinSpott> Olivier has picked up one of the items, but as far 
as I know most of the requests passed unheard
[17:37:17] <gral> Can I make you the owner of 
http://code.google.com/p/flightgear-world-scenery/ , temporary ?
[17:37:20] <Blackiris> Maybe they should be written somewhere such as the 
[17:38:00] <gral> http://wiki.flightgear.org/World_Scenery_2.0_Project
[17:38:27] <MartinSpott> gral: If you're asking me, I'm certainly not taking 
any ownership  ;-)
[17:39:40] <gral> This was TO ALL ;-)
[17:39:40] <MartinSpott> I'm in the process of cleaning up by backlog so 
whoever might want to continue will get the stuff a moderately clean state
[17:40:25] <papillon81> MartinSpott: what would "stuff" be in this case?
[17:41:12] <MartinSpott> Past Scenemodels submissions with open issues
[17:41:43] <MartinSpott> Writing yet another reminder about the airfield 
[17:42:08] <MartinSpott> Chatting with GIS people about possible 
improvements in GRASS
[17:42:25] <MartinSpott> Building recent PostGIS SVN on Solaris
[17:43:06] <MartinSpott> Adding comments to the various (Shell) scripts and 
updating the sceneryweb and terragear-cs GIT repos accordingly
[17:43:19] <psadro1> Martin, I'm a bit concerned about 
mapserver.flightgear.org.  This is pretty much your domain as well, correct?
[17:44:01] <MartinSpott> yup, I had very little support there  :-)
[17:44:20] <itchi_> For my Belgium scenery, one of the main reasons i host 
them on Gitorious is that the airport layouts aren't right. Some are 
completely non-accurate with +-300m off. And some other are just missing 
some essential runway. So i'm a bit lost i must admit
[17:44:48] <MartinSpott> Adrian recently added some features to the web map, 
but aside from that I think it's my own playground
[17:45:02] <psadro1> Is this your server?
[17:45:11] <MartinSpott> Don't expect me to join any sort of discussion 
about the private sceneries
[17:45:15] <itchi_> Well, i worry about EBSG and EBTY, because they are on 
of my favorite fields which i visited and like to fly there in FG :) Even if 
i didn't fly there in real life :)
[17:45:42] <MartinSpott> psadro1: No, sponsored hardware and bandwidth in 
San Diego UCSD and Calit2
[17:45:55] <itchi_> They aren't meant to be private at all. But if i push my 
airport objects, you will be on the wrong side of te airfield :/
[17:46:12] <MartinSpott> psadro1: Actually that's not just one server.
[17:46:21] <MartinSpott> One four-socket DB server on Solaris
[17:46:22] <papillon81> MartinSpott: if I see this correctly, gral is 
working on some mapserver project, too. would you hand over the ressources 
to a person you trust?
[17:46:36] <MartinSpott> One web frontend (4 cores) on Linux
[17:46:38] <itchi_> I like to take up an aircraft at a hangar, take off... 
and do my stuff, and set back the aircraft where i took it :)
[17:46:58] <MartinSpott> A supplemental TileCache running on a dedicated 
machine, but not being used exclusively for FG stuff
[17:47:12] <psadro1> that's a relief.  I was a bit panicked about it when I 
read your mail on the devel list.  Certainly, someone is going to have to 
step up to the plate on maintaining that.
[17:47:56] <MartinSpott> psadro1: I'll be the one to maintain the 
ifrastructure, that's tied to my name and I won't tear it down
[17:48:02] <MartinSpott> But I won't maintain content
[17:48:10] <psadro1> understood
[17:48:52] <MartinSpott> The effort is closely related to OSGeo - where I'm 
listed as one of the primary sysadmins
[17:49:34] <Blackiris> MartinSpott:I'm quite concerned about 
http://scenemodels.flightgear.org. Are you alone checking the submissions 
right now?
[17:49:42] <MartinSpott> The ressources in San Diego are unbeatable, not 
only the hardware but also the net connection
[17:50:17] <MartinSpott> They're having 1 Gbit/s in the LAN - at minimum - 
and 10 Gbit/s to 30 Gbit/s uplink
[17:50:51] <papillon81> yes, without this infra we'd be screwed
[17:51:12] <MartinSpott> Is JonS around ?
[17:51:38] <MartinSpott> Mmmmh
[17:51:41] <papillon81> Nav: ^
[17:52:31] <itchi_> MartinSpott: He was on the other side
[17:52:32] <Nav> ?
[17:52:43] <MartinSpott> He's done almost everything of the Scenemodels web 
page and he's been taking care of mass imports (windmills, navaids and the 
[17:52:46] <papillon81> MartinSpott: about the apt.dat collection (810): i'd 
like to take the changed airport list and compare them to the latest 850 
versions from Robin
[17:53:44] <MartinSpott> papillon81: Everyone's free to do so, I just 
maintained to collection to make sure the airfield layouts don't bit-rot
[17:53:53] <Blackiris> Ok, I'm used to send my models only to you
[17:54:14] <Nav> you can mail them to me too
[17:54:32] <MartinSpott> I think I've been checking and committing the vast 
majority of the static models in the past
[17:54:33] <Nav> turnaround will depend on how much other stuff I've got to 
[17:54:36] <MartinSpott> Correct, Jon ?
[17:54:54] <Nav> I think lots have just been uploaded to your ftp repo
[17:55:28] <MartinSpott> No, there was just very little traffic on FTP, most 
of the stuff was sent via EMail
[17:55:30] <Nav> people can speed up the process though by ensuring they 
submit things in the recommended way
[17:55:37] <Nav> ah, ok
[17:55:51] <MartinSpott> Geoff, is that you ?
[17:56:01] <geoff__> Yup!
[17:56:13] <MartinSpott> Hah  :-)
[17:56:22] <Blackiris> Btw, Jon and Martin, what are the most issues you met 
about models?
[17:56:29] <Blackiris> most common*
[17:56:55] <MartinSpott> Spaces in filenames, missing textures, ambiguous 
texture filenames, ignorant submitters ....
[17:56:59] <Nav> having to repack stuff can be time consuming
[17:57:04] <MartinSpott> I reverse order
[17:57:35] <Nav> the best way to submit is an stg, a thumbnail, and a tgz 
containing all of your model
[17:57:48] <Nav> packing it in a zip file is annoying
[17:57:57] <Nav> packing the thumbnail in the archive is also annoying
[17:58:10] <Nav> wrong texture dimensions - annoying :-)
[17:58:28] <Nav> ideally we want to do a quick sanity check on the model 
tarball, and throw it straight into the db
[17:58:45] <MartinSpott> I've never understood why people have been keeping 
models on their disks for months until they submitted a large scenario 
instead of sending an EMail with just one model whenever they had one ready
[17:59:00] <Nav> it makes things easier for us, and results in quicker 
turnaround for you
[17:59:36] <itchi_> MartinSpott: For my part, it's due the airport layouts 
that doesn't match the real life. Maintaining two different sceneries is 
impossible to do
[17:59:48] <gorilla> MartinSpott: some people don't get "release early, 
release often"
[17:59:50] <Nav> when people replace an existing generic model it also 
really helps if you can identify the one you're replacing - it can take a 
LONG time to work it out sometimes
[17:59:53] <Blackiris> ok, thanks for that (btw, Blackiris = Julien Nguyen)
[17:59:56] <MartinSpott> Nav: Now that' s/we/I/
[18:00:20] <Nav> :-)
[18:00:25] <Blackiris> In http://scenemodels.flightgear.org/contribute.php, 
I don't see anything about texture dimensions
[18:00:53] <Nav> Blackiris: you'll get a warning every time the texture 
loads - is that not enough? :-)
[18:01:10] <Blackiris> (now, my models used pow of 2 but I didn't know 
[18:01:19] <Blackiris> yeah, that's why I changed it
[18:01:23] <Blackiris> but no one told me
[18:01:33] <Nav> I thought that was in one of the readmes
[18:01:45] <MartinSpott> Nav: I think it isn't
[18:01:56] <Nav> ah, ok
[18:02:05] <itchi_> The contribute page should maybe add a few links to good 
modeling practices wiki page (they exist already anyway)
[18:02:14] <gral> Nav: Is there a form coming up for submission right now or 
am I mixing things up ?
[18:02:31] -*- gral submission by email, wow!
[18:02:31] <Blackiris> Olivier is working on I think
[18:02:35] <Nav> I think someone was working on one
[18:02:37] <MartinSpott> Depends a bit on the cleverness of the respective 
submitter - some simply don't read responses or error messages, they're 
similar to my customers  :-)
[18:02:44] <Nav> heh
[18:03:30] <Nav> I've also got a script that sanity checks a few things - 
that should probably be extended, and published so people can check their 
own models before submitting
[18:03:56] <Blackiris> In the contribution page, maybe using bold to 
emphasize important rules)
[18:04:10] <gorilla> Nav: and checked again by the server :-)
[18:04:11] -*- Nav bolds the entire page
[18:04:15] <papillon81> Nav: better yet, put that on the server and let it 
check submissions automatically
[18:04:15] <gral> :-)
[18:04:23] <MartinSpott> itchi_: "should" alone doesn't work
[18:04:30] <itchi_> MartinSpott & Nav: I really think the submittion should 
reject the stuff wich isn't compliant. That for the own good of Flightgear 
and to spare your time.
[18:04:37] <MartinSpott> The page is on GIT now, someone just has to do it
[18:05:01] <Nav> well it's something I ran on new submissions, and we don't 
currently have an upload system to bolt it to, but when one exists, yes, 
we'll try to add it
[18:05:12] <itchi_> When they are motivated, they will fix the issues. If 
not, then it's probably not worth to add it anyway
[18:05:47] <Nav> sadly the days when I had time to fix peoples models before 
importing them are long gone
[18:06:15] <itchi_> Yeah, i can imagine that there's lot's of things to fix 
[18:06:16] <gorilla> the more you fix, the ways people find to break 
[18:06:28] <MartinSpott> As Thorsten R wrote, there seems to be no ressource 
pool to tap, therefore I put the stuff onto GIT so people don't have excuses 
any more
[18:06:34] <gorilla> the more* ways
[18:06:40] <Blackiris> I heard about a script which checks models quality 
some months ago
[18:06:47] <Nav> But I agree with what people have said about releasing 
early - I think it was Gijs that submitted a bunch of basic building shapes 
- updating those with better models is VERY easy
[18:07:06] <Nav> you just need to keep the same origin and rotation on 
subsequent submissions
[18:07:08] <gral> MartinSpott: Oh, that remembers me something 
[18:07:11] <Nav> and we just upload the new tarball
[18:07:19] <gorilla> Nav: nothing wrong with placeholders even :-)
[18:07:53] <Nav> gorilla: absolutely not - if you want to start by 
submitting a position for a generic model that's also good - though you 
might struggle to keep the same origin then
[18:08:23] <MartinSpott> gral: Hah, you finally did it ?
[18:08:47] <gorilla> Nav: ahh that's another problem. :-)
[18:09:29] <Nav> I'm very interested in bulk population of the database, and 
I've been playing around with code to do that, I need to work on something 
for classifying OSM buildings to auto place generic models (given the 
license change should happen very soon now)
[18:09:45] <Nav> obviously large buildings should probably be left for more 
specific models
[18:10:04] <Nav> no point in us having nice roads if there are no buildings 
next to them ;-)
[18:10:12] <gral> http://maptest.fgx.ch/flightgearmapserver/download.html 
(drag with shift-key on the map), ok, but it is only history now.
[18:10:44] <gral> the openlayers api is too old ;-)
[18:12:23] <Blackiris> Oh I didn't know that : 
[18:12:42] <papillon81> gral: very nice
[18:12:44] <Blackiris> Is it possible to make some improvements and send 
them ?
[18:13:07] <MartinSpott> Blackiris: That's the main purpose  :-)
[18:13:10] <Nav> Blackiris: It needs a rewrite
[18:13:15] <Nav> It's about 10 years old
[18:13:20] <Nav> maybe even more
[18:13:28] <Nav> and it's UGLY code
[18:13:35] <Blackiris> No problem, I'm used to write php/html/css things
[18:14:01] -*- Nav was considering making the front end just pull/push data 
in some sensible format
[18:14:06] <Nav> json maybe
[18:14:56] <Nav> and it does need templating properly, so someone with some 
design skill can make it look nice
[18:14:58] <Blackiris> Yeah, AJAX you mean ?
[18:15:07] <MartinSpott> Nav: Did you have a look at Olivier's stuff ?  
Whatever you're going to do, it should get integrated in some way
[18:15:23] <Nav> yup
[18:15:38] <Blackiris> yeah, I did some months ago but I didn't follow. I 
should see again.
[18:16:20] <gral> MartinSpott: didn’t sent that to you? I don’t remember, 
maybe someone else can pick it up now
[18:16:44] <Nav> we had considered creating accounts for everyone on the db 
so you could all upload directly, but it seems that the apache db auth 
modules all suck
[18:17:10] <Nav> If we can get a sensible working auth mechanism then that's 
probably the easiest way to go.
[18:17:12] <MartinSpott> Unfortunately
[18:17:29] -*- gral Sorry.
[18:17:32] <MartinSpott> We could put all this into an LDAP and authenticate 
PG against LDAP instead
[18:18:00] <Nav> it's not pg we need the auth for - it's the front end
[18:18:04] <MartinSpott> Apache/LDAP is pretty stable
[18:18:34] <Nav> hmmmm, may be an option then
[18:18:45] <MartinSpott> I mean, authenticate _both_ against LDAP and drop 
any local PG users in favour of their LDAP counterparts
[18:21:13] <gral> Who is willing to own and fill a world scenery tracker? 
(Martin is not.) Who else?
[18:21:37] <MartinSpott> But all this doesn't solve the core problem: 
Designers not submitting their models, people persuading others not to 
submit to Scenemodels
[18:22:14] <MartinSpott> Until there's no change in people's minds ....  
well, I already said that
[18:22:26] <papillon81> you can't change the people
[18:22:35] <gorilla> Need to figure out why they are going around the 
central repository before finding a solution.
[18:22:43] <papillon81> if they don't want to submit, they don't
[18:22:50] <MartinSpott> papillon81: Yup, I know, that's why I'm leaving the 
FG Scenery place
[18:23:12] <papillon81> and in the case of misaligned runways it makes no 
sense to submit, like itchi said
[18:23:16] <Blackiris> What we can do, it's improving the tools, and show 
people that it's moving
[18:23:23] -*- Nav wonders how many of the people in here at the moment have 
submitted stuff
[18:23:31] <papillon81> such problems need to be solved via a terrain 
[18:23:33] <Blackiris> That's why I think about improving the website
[18:24:09] <Blackiris> yeah, a terrain rebuild is also necessary to improve 
and show people it's changing
[18:24:27] <papillon81> Blackiris: it's not that easy
[18:24:53] <Nav> tbh I think a terrain rebuild should probably wait until 
the tools are a bit more stable again
[18:24:55] <papillon81> we'll have to solve the "new tiles not matching" 
[18:25:05] <papillon81> Nav: +1
[18:25:13] <Nav> I would *love* our next scenery release to have 850 
airfields and awesome line features
[18:25:35] <papillon81> that's what I think too
[18:25:44] <Nav> give x plane, msfs and flight something to worry about ;-)
[18:25:49] <papillon81> no point to further maintain the 810 layouts
[18:26:19] <itchi_> MartinSpott: I have no problem to push my data. But i 
have a problem to push things which will give a bad final result. The issue 
is not about pushing stuff. If you follow forum post, many have issues with 
outdated Terrains layouts
[18:26:39] <Nav> if WED is the way to go for airport editing though this 
still leaves the problem of parking positions and AI networks
[18:26:47] <itchi_> The biggest issue for me is wrong airport layouts
[18:27:05] <MartinSpott> itchi_: The genereal recommendation over all the 
years was: better have poor or misplaced models than no models at all
[18:27:06] <papillon81> Nav: yes. good point. maybe we can team up with the 
WED guys
[18:27:16] <itchi_> I don't do a lot of landmarks, but instead work on 
airport. So somehow the scenerdb actually is a bit useless to me
[18:27:19] <MartinSpott> There's always some airport/terrain/whatever being 
[18:27:24] <MartinSpott> There's always some airport/terrain/whatever being 
[18:27:33] <itchi_> yeah sure
[18:27:34] <Nav> We've had buildings in the hudson for *ages*
[18:27:51] <Nav> (along with the occasional airbus, but that's beside the 
[18:27:55] <Nav> ;-)
[18:27:56] <gral> Oh Nav, is this solved ? :-)
[18:28:00] <gorilla> Nav: :-)
[18:28:06] <itchi_> But there should be a way to only regenerate the airport 
tile. So peoples won't have an excuse at all :)
[18:28:25] <MartinSpott> itchi_: If you're having a working solution, please 
go ahead
[18:28:25] <Nav> itchi_: your problem then is edge matching
[18:28:34] <MartinSpott> I'm working on one but it's not finished
[18:28:40] <itchi_> yeah, i know, getting gaps :(
[18:28:57] <Nav> build on demand would be *awesome*, but there are lots of 
problems to solve before that's possible
[18:28:58] <itchi_> And i'm not that smart enough to get that fixed either :
[18:29:39] <MartinSpott> You see, therefore I was suggesting to proceed now 
where it's already possible
[18:29:53] <MartinSpott> But I have understood that this message isn't 
particularly popular
[18:30:10] <papillon81> maybe it's a good time to repeat it: we need more 
genapts850 testers. some feedback led to important bugfixes in the last 2 
days already
[18:30:28] <itchi_> It's not that, it's that i use what i'm modeling :P
[18:30:31] <Nav> awesome - I'll get updating and rebuilding then
[18:31:02] <Nav> papillon81: out of interest, is there info somewhere on 
what got fixed?
[18:31:06] <papillon81> Nav: i think psadro1 still has one fix not pushed...
[18:31:24] <itchi_> But i should try to find a solution to eventually 
maintain two sceneries then. But many buildings at Brussels for example are 
not on the right possition, nor the right heading. So time by time i move 
them :/
[18:31:37] <papillon81> Nav: 
[18:31:55] <papillon81> 
[18:32:17] <Nav> thanks
[18:32:20] <itchi_> I will just bother peoples with my weekly changes, if i 
should proceed like you want :/
[18:32:40] -*- Nav doesn't tend to read the forums that often - it's a pita 
keeping up with threads
[18:32:49] <papillon81> Nav: yes, same here
[18:33:02] <papillon81> i wonder how Gijs keeps track of all this
[18:33:10] <itchi_> Some every two-week reader here :P
[18:33:23] <itchi_> or even a monthly :P
[18:33:41] <itchi_> And even then, i just track the threads which interest 
[18:33:43] -*- gorilla isn't a fan of forums for the above reasons.. and 
[18:35:17] <itchi_> Will that bother you a lot if once in a while i would 
request to modify a bunch of objects coordinates and it's headings?
[18:35:22] <Nav> so, do we need a scenery mailing list? or do we just need 
to encourage people to discuss this on the dev list?
[18:35:42] <papillon81> Nav: i'd strongly suggest we have a seperate list
[18:35:51] <Nav> itchi_: why modify them? put them in the right place to 
start with
[18:36:11] <papillon81> there used to be a terragear project list. that's 
too much, but a scenery-specific one is overdue
[18:36:15] <itchi_> Nav: Discuse about it will be good anyway, where that 
happen doesn't matter. But it's maybe better to leave that on the "main" 
dev-list, so that others can track them easily too??
[18:36:43] <itchi_> Nav: I have no reliable data, let's alone of acurate 
data :/
[18:37:06] <itchi_> For airfields this is more or less doable onsite, but 
for Brussels it's pita
[18:37:41] <Nav> papillon81: no reason the terragear list couldn't be used 
for general scenery discussion too
[18:37:45] <itchi_> nor i'm a math freak by calculating the the origin point 
of buildings etc
[18:38:00] <Nav> I'll see about getting it resurrected - if it's completely 
dead I'll see about getting flightgear-scenery
[18:38:36] <Nav> itchi_: the origin can be anywhere convenient
[18:38:38] <papillon81> Nav: splendid
[18:38:53] <Nav> I usually use an easily identifiable corner
[18:39:22] <papillon81> BBL
[18:39:24] <Nav> putting the origin in the middle away from any suitable 
physical reference is a quick way to madness
[18:39:45] <Nav> (apart from for generic buildings, where that can make a 
certain amount of sense)
[18:40:14] <itchi_> Nav: Yeah, but it's very hard to do that in a city. Once 
you calculate the building next to it, then you discover that some glich has 
happen :)
[18:40:29] <itchi_> I guess a city isn't somethings that should be done :D
[18:41:22] <Nav> don't bet on it - I've been working on a few models, 
they're possibly too high detail though, I did them mainly for my own 
[18:41:28] <itchi_> Here in Belgium, houses and buildings are really near 
each of them. Not like in the us where you have tons of space between each 
house :)
[18:41:53] <Nav> http://www.stockill.net/Junk/newscenery/Wakefield-2.png
[18:41:59] -*- Nav isn't in the US :-P
[18:42:12] <Nav> http://www.stockill.net/Junk/newscenery/Wakefield-1.png
[18:42:25] <itchi_> Nav: Yeah, have already fly there :)
[18:42:38] <itchi_> But Brussels is kinda more populated than that :D
[18:42:48] <itchi_> Dunno if you tried already
[18:43:01] <Nav> I've modelled buildings that're only inches apart
[18:43:16] <Nav> if you get your model right, it just fits
[18:43:28] <Nav> if your model doesn't fit, then you need to improve your 
model ;-)
[18:43:37] <itchi_> Nav: Well, i experience serious issue by doing that, 
especially if they needs to be separated objects
[18:48:16] <itchi_> Anyway, i'm not sure it's a good idea to try to model a 
city. Especially that they conflict with the random objects
[18:49:03] <itchi_> Bah, that can change later on, i'm sure. But for now i 
will spend my time to the airport buildings. Then i will go back to try to 
do cities :)
[18:49:15] <MartinSpott> 17:59 < Nav> when people replace an existing 
generic model it also really helps if you can identify  the one you're 
replacing - it can take a LONG time to work it out sometimes
[18:50:00] <MartinSpott> ....  and random objects is asking for a technical 
[18:50:03] <MartinSpott> Not your problem
[18:50:15] <Nav> generic, not random
[18:50:32] <Nav> like where we have tall buildings positioned from 
obstruction data
[18:50:46] <MartinSpott> Nav: I wasn't entirely certain which one he was 
talking about
[18:51:11] -*- Nav meant generic
[18:51:38] <Nav> itchi_: if you meant random, then there's nothing we can do 
about that
[18:51:40] <itchi_> Yeah, having good and lot of generic objects can already 
do a lot
[18:52:05] <itchi_> Nav: I was talking about that random object option, 
which place generic stuff in the scenery
[18:52:27] <itchi_> But improving these generic objects would improve that 
random object feature too anyway
[18:52:45] <geoff__> Just read the 850 genapts stuff on the forum. That's 
interesting... Is there a way to get forums posts sent to an email, say 
daily, like the list digest mode?
[18:52:52] <Nav> the ideal solution would be for random objects to be 
suppressed near to properly placed models
[18:53:09] <Nav> not sure how feasible that is though
[18:53:10] <itchi_> I recently have buy a new camera, my older borked, but 
still need to wait that the weather is better to make good pics
[18:53:24] <itchi_> I guess i have shoot to much pics with my previous one 
[18:53:30] <MartinSpott> Nav: Stuart's business  ;-)
[18:53:41] <MartinSpott> I think he's already working on it
[18:54:21] <MartinSpott> Anyway, I'm leaving, will let the IRC client 
running for logging
[18:54:49] <itchi_> yeah, need to prepare the food her in a few minutes. So 
i guess i will be back this evening
[18:55:15] -*- Nav needs to find some food too
[18:55:19] <Blackiris> Martin: can you published somewhere the logging ? I 
had some connections issues and couldn't follow everything...)
[18:55:40] <geoff__> me too.. that would be great
[18:55:45] <itchi_> arf, i should have pay attention to what i said then :P
[18:55:46] <Blackiris> I think about wiki
[18:55:54] <MartinSpott> I think papillon81 will post the log
[18:56:11] <MartinSpott> right ?
[18:56:31] <itchi_> If not i can publish it somewhere if needed
[18:57:10] <Blackiris> Thanks itchi!
[18:57:44] <itchi_> no problem, but i guess papillon81 will do :)
[18:57:53] <itchi_> brbl
[19:00:22] <geoff__> Any ideas on getting forum posts in digest mode, or is 
this just NOT possible?
[19:02:28] <gral> geoff_ I really don’t know. I recommend using a tracker 
anyway where this can happen. But no one wants to own it. Nav will do a new 
flightgear-scenery list, when I undestand that part right
[19:04:18] <Blackiris> (waiting for the log^^ Can someone send it to me 
**@**.fr, i will put it on my server)
[19:04:40] <gral> I can send it to you Blackiris
[19:04:46] <Blackiris> **@**.fr
[19:04:57] <geoff__> Yeah a 'new' list is fine, but to me they all come to 
the one email address, where I have filter to separate them. But I MISS the 
information put on the forum...
[19:05:12] <Blackiris> Thank you gral! I will publish the link then
[19:06:03] <geoff__> gral: if you also send it to me I will also post it...
[19:06:30] <gral> Will do so.
[19:06:36] <geoff__> tks
[19:07:34] <MartinSpott> geoff__: I guess you don't want to read the forum 
stuff  :-)
[19:07:49] <MartinSpott> Not really
[19:07:54] <gral> psadro1 what do you think about using the list and a 
tracker for the terragear-cs stuff ?
[19:08:10] <geoff__> No, just do not like trolling forums, but would LOVE to 
have the posts...
[19:08:38] <geoff__> Lots of good information, ideas, etc
[19:08:45] <psadro1> gral: All for it.  a tracker would be a good idea.
[19:09:18] <geoff__> You mean a 'tracker' will send e email?
[19:09:27] <MartinSpott> geoff__: Ok, I was just thinking of the Scenery 
[19:09:41] <MartinSpott> Maybe the others are different, I don't know
[19:10:43] <gral> geoff_ yes.
[19:11:08] <papillon81> back
[19:11:22] <papillon81> i will post the full log to the ML, once we are done 
[19:12:43] <papillon81> gral: with tracker you mean a bugtracker
[19:13:19] -*- papillon81 has to say he doesn't like the google issuetracker 
too much
[19:13:33] <gral> you want a trac?
[19:14:29] <papillon81> gral: let's wait if Nav can resurrect the TG list 
(and project page). Then we'll see where we go from there
[19:14:30] <gral> I have a trac system running here, but I thought it might 
be better to use googlecode for this case.
[19:18:11] <gral> papillon81 I am trying to collect all custom scenery 
projects for a list to go on, can you help me there?
[19:18:21] <gral> Just to get a state
[19:18:22] <papillon81> sure
[19:18:53] <papillon81> we have (from memory): Dubai
[19:19:01] <papillon81> Helgoland
[19:19:14] <papillon81> North-frisian islands
[19:19:25] <papillon81> Bodensee
[19:19:28] <papillon81> Berlin
[19:19:42] <papillon81> Manhattan
[19:20:02] <papillon81> the Rhine valley
[19:20:20] <gral> Paris ?
[19:20:48] <papillon81> not that I know
[19:22:15] <papillon81> London
[19:22:26] <papillon81> Diego Garcia
[19:22:31] <MartinSpott> Bad Hersfeld, Cape Verde, Caribbeans, Courchevel, 
KEDW, London, Madrid, Oakland, Oshkosh, Bodensee, Switzerland, Sylt, VAID
[19:22:41] <papillon81> MartinSpott: thanks!
[19:22:51] <MartinSpott> At least that's a list of directories on Kerstin's 
PeeCee .....
[19:23:02] <papillon81> Madeira
[19:23:15] <MartinSpott> Weidatal and Wiesbaden are non-public - and predate 
all the others you've ever heard of  :-)
[19:23:57] <MartinSpott> I'm not sure how large KEDW and VAID are
[19:24:04] <MartinSpott> Cape Verde was made from VMap1
[19:24:20] <MartinSpott> Oakland is a synonym for the SFO bay area
[19:24:39] <MartinSpott> ....  which is what is now in the Base Package
[19:25:25] <papillon81> the question is if we really want to keep Bodensee, 
Berlin and other CS that are in the Corine-covered region
[19:25:52] <papillon81> the islands being an exception here, since they are 
more detailed that Corine
[19:26:03] <MartinSpott> They are having a lot more detail than CORINE, but 
might be slightly inaccurate in terms of land cover types
[19:26:04] <papillon81> s/that/than
[19:26:14] <MartinSpott> I mean Berlin and Bodensee
[19:26:34] <gral> MartinSpott: is the geogratis stuff from canada already in 
database ?
[19:26:42] <papillon81> both are inferiour to Corine, IMHO
[19:27:29] <MartinSpott> CanVec/Geogratis is sitting in my raw data archive, 
but I think never put this into the DB
[19:27:45] <MartinSpott> Someone has to determine proper landclass mappings
[19:28:25] <MartinSpott> sphere: 10:28:11 
~/archive/GIS/GISData/GeoGratisVector> pwd
[19:28:25] <MartinSpott> /home/martin/archive/GIS/GISData/GeoGratisVector
[19:28:25] <MartinSpott> sphere: 10:28:12 
~/archive/GIS/GISData/GeoGratisVector> du -hs *
[19:28:25] <MartinSpott> 525M    Local_Collections
[19:28:25] <MartinSpott> 6,2G    National
[19:28:27] <MartinSpott> 2,5G    Regional
[19:34:09] <gral> MartinSpott: Were is the reference for a proper mapping 
when someone wants to do this work?
[19:36:36] <MartinSpott> One end is the CS Wiki page @ OSGeo, the other end 
is the CanVec/GeoGratis manuals
[19:38:08] <gral> Thanks, that was for the log.
[19:38:32] <MartinSpott> wait ....
[19:39:03] <MartinSpott> For those who don't read headlines:
[19:39:07] <MartinSpott> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/LandcoverDB_CS_Detail
[19:39:27] <MartinSpott> neither headlines nor list postings  ;-)
[19:41:00] <MartinSpott> You might consider replacing the "VMap0 equivalent" 
by the correct spelling for materials.xml
[19:41:24] <MartinSpott> ....  for those who don't read XML files before 
writing new ones ....
[19:44:30] <MartinSpott> Being sarcastic is much easier when there's nothing 
to loose  :-))
[19:48:21] <gral> Papillon81 and all who wants to publish transcript, can 
you please remove mailadresses before you publish?
[19:49:03] <geoff__> ok
[19:51:31] <gral> Any objection to close discussion for today? Otherwise I 
tend to cut here now for the moment.
[19:51:55] -*- gral is hungry. ;-)
[19:52:22] <geoff__> me too - bye for now... ;=))

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