On Thu, 8 Mar 2012, Mathias Fröhlich wrote:


Also for the breginning of the development cycle, I started working on
improoving fgviewer and cleanup scenery/model loading.

I have now checked in a change that should fix some long standing problems with modelss that appear to have z-fighting. This change should not harm and works so far for all I have tested. But it slightly changes the way stg files paths are handled.
So if this really introduces a problem, please tell me.


This change breaks my setup. I consider it a feature that FG used to load objects from all scenery directories visited up until the first one that contains terrain for the tile. It made it possible to have scenery object directories with extra objects by just putting them early in the path (useful not least for keeping work-in-progress object placements separate from terrasync data). It appears you removed that.

Can you clarify what the new behaviour is?

Is the first object .stg found for a tile the only one that is loaded now?


Anders Gidenstam
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