Hi Curtis,

Here I send details about buffer overflows I commented before:

The first one is in flightgear/src/FDM/YASim/Rotor.cpp

line 271   int Rotor::getValueforFGSet(int j,char *text,float *f)
line 277                  sprintf(text,"/rotors/%s/cone-deg", _name);
line 287                  sprintf(text,"/rotors/%s/roll-deg", _name);
And every similar sprintf in the function getValueforFGSet which copies
_name string inside text buffer. If rotor's name is very long for example
in fgdata/Aircraft/bo105/bo105.xml:

<rotor name="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......AAAAAAAAAA" x="-2.75" y="0.0" z="1.55"
nx="0.05" ny="0" nz="1." fx="1" fy="0" fz="0" ccw="1"

then string "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA......AAAAAAAAAA" will overflow  text buffer
(256 bytes), which could allow local arbitrary code execution by a
corrupted xml model with rotor tag.

The second one is in simgear/simgear/simgear/io/sg_socket_udp.cxx:

line 101     int SGSocketUDP::read( char *buf, int length ) {
line 108     if ( (result = sock.recv(buf, SG_IO_MAX_MSG_SIZE, 0)) >= 0 ) {

If buf size is less than SG_IO_MAX_MSG_SIZE, then such buffer is going to
be overflowed, which could allow even remote arbitrary code execution.
However I'm wondering if that code section is being used for flightgear at
all. It seems that It is not. Looking at google I found a project using
that simgear code section:



Andres Gomez

2012/3/13 Curtis Olson <curtol...@gmail.com>

> Hi Andres,
> Yes I saw your email, but I'm traveling this week and away from my desktop
> computer and all of the code.  I was hoping one of the other developers
> would pick this up and look at it ... otherwise remind me next week after
> I've had a few days to catch up from being gone.
> Regards,
> Curt.
> On Mar 13, 2012 9:57 AM, "Andres Gomez" <ago...@fluidsignal.com> wrote:
>> **
>> Hi Curtis,
>> *Are you flightgear's project manager, right?
>> Did you see last email I sent to devel list about several vulnerabilities
>> in flightgeat? I had no answer so I'm writing you in case you didn't see
>> it.
>> By the way I recently have also found a couple of buffer overflows.
>> Regards.
>> *
>> 2012/3/9 Andres Gomez <ago...@fluidsignal.com>
>>> Hi,
>>> I have found multiple format string vulnerabilities in Flightgear and
>>> Simgear. This could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code in a
>>> Flightgear user's machine. This is possible because user controlled format
>>> string is passed directly to printf family functions without any
>>> validation.  For example if I have an aircraft xml model with a section
>>> like this:
>>> <text>
>>>     <name>Registration</name>
>>>     <type type="string">text-value</type>
>>>     <property type="string">/sim/multiplay/callsign</property>
>>>     <format type="string">%s</format>
>>>     <draw-text type="bool">true</draw-text>
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>>     .
>>> </text>
>>> the format string "%s" in label
>>> <format type="string">%s</format>
>>> is passed directly to snprintf. This line can be changed for something
>>> like "%s %s %s %s" which will make Flightgear to crash. Even more if "%n"
>>> specifier* *is used, arbitrary code execution can be achieved. Until
>>> now I have found this issue in the following files:
>>> fgfs/flightgear/src/Cockpit/panel.cxx:1237
>>> fgfs/flightgear/src/Cockpit/panel.cxx:1240
>>> fgfs/flightgear/src/Cockpit/panel.cxx:1245
>>> fgfs/flightgear/src/Network/generic.cxx:222
>>> simgear/simgear/scene/model/SGText.cxx:72
>>> simgear/simgear/scene/model/SGText.cxx:74
>>> but others locations could also be affected. A solution for this bug
>>> would be at least to validate that "n" specifier is not present in the
>>> format string.
>>> Regards,
>>> Andrés Gómez
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