Am 10.04.2012 21:08, schrieb Martin Spott:
> And there's still one thing to consider: Having one central set of
> apt./nav.dat files in the Base Package still doesn't address the trend
> of the FlightGear project and Scenery development proceeding
> asynchronously.

But to be honest, it neither works with central terrasync scenery. We 
could never push any updates (such as introducing terrasync scenery with 
the new EDDF runway) without immediately breaking consistency with all 
previously released FG versions (= their base packages). And we cannot 
expect all users to run the same FG version - or to even update their FG 
setups (base packages) on the same day. A bunch of Linux distros still 
haven't switched to FG 2.6.0...

Since we somehow "hard-code" navigation data into the generated scenery 
tiles, it really makes sense to couple them closely.

Terrasync already syncs a global "/Models" directory, so terrasync 
scenery can use newer or updated models. We could do the same for nav 
data. I'd be happy to extend terrasync to sync another global directory, 
i.e. "/Nav" (or "/Nav810", "/Nav850") and then extend FG to consider 
these directories first, before defaulting to (old) nav/airport/airway 
data from the base package - which then would only need to match the 
(old) base package scenery (i.e. before the users pulls terrasync data 
for the first time).

This would avoid consistency issues, unless the nav data format itself 
changes - like it will with the 810/850 change. But this seems a less 
frequent event - hopefully not happening every 3 months or every year.

It wouldn't help with any individual, regional scenery projects though: 
these could still rely on different, conflicting versions of nav data - 
and we can only load one version into FG. But we probably don't need to 
(nor could, maybe neither should ;-) ) address this anyway...


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