Hi All!

The new rembrandt project is really cool, it seems to be the eyecandy that's 
currently missing. I check for new and watch the youtube updates quite 
regularly, mostly clips of fred etc. (wish there we some more hehe)

However,I'm not that happy with performance (FPS) with or without rembrandt and 
in my humble opinion my hardware is not outdated,

My machine:
Core i7 920 2.8 ghz
24 Gbyte ram
ocz vertex 2 and sandforce SSD storage
4x 1 tbyte SATA
ATI 5870
Asus Xonar d2x soundcard 

I often choose to fly in areas with very little or non exciting scenery, 
basically because when i do my frames per second either fluctuate too heavily, 
and gameplay stutters  which is quite annoying and setting max fps to the 
lowest stable number isn't really a preferred option as the lowest value is 
simply to low for smooth simulation/gameplay. Or simply because i find 
performance too low (e.g. 20 - 30 fps), e.g. KSFO, EHAM the more 'advanced' 
scenery. When i do fly in those areas i basically disable all the eyecandy you 
want on, random vegetation, buildings (has been improved indeed) and 3d clouds, 
things that make the world look more real just to have that bit of extra 
performance to keep things running as smooth as possible.

Though as many of the people that have this comment in regards of the frames 
per second performance, my programming skills and knowledge of the internal 
workings of FG, OSG, SimGear are lacking quite a bit, and investigation and 
testing of this would go dramatically slow and bad if this was up to me.

Though i do have a question in relation to this:

Is there a benchmarking tool/setup for flightgear? For example a 
preconfigured/prerecorded flight with fixed variables (weather, time, fov, 
etc), fixed nr of frames. Basically everything fixed except rendering options 
and that it measures how long it takes to render/run and calculate the average 
FPS? People would be able to compare this value, and one would not be comparing 
apples with pears. Everybody ran the same benchmark/flight. It would be very 
helpful in determining if some change brought improvement or made performance 
worse by a proper measuring instead of staring at the FPS counter in the bottom 
of the screen during gameplay and 'estimating' if things improved or not.

And a more simple second question, what do the developers accept as proper 
performance (value) in regards of frames per second. Perhaps i demand/expect 
too much, but 20 - 30 fps i find rather disappointing, flight is far from 
smooth at such numbers, but others might find that (more then) ideal. 
(rembrandt though not really the focus of my email cuts my performance 
generally in 2, 8 - 15 fps at EHAM when lucky).

This was my penny 

Kindest Regards and happy flying

----- Original Message -----
From: "Erik Hofman" <e...@ehofman.com>
To: "FlightGear developers discussions" <flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 1:12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] An empassioned plea

On Wed, 2012-04-18 at 10:33 +0000, Renk Thorsten wrote:
> > What *is* the baseline hardware fg ought to be aiming at?
> I guess in practice every developer works such that stuff runs well on his 
> own system. What else can we do? I'm not buying a second computer just to 
> test how it would run on a Mac.
> > Advances in quality always requires more resources. Period. If your
> > hardware doesn't support it, bad for you but be grateful FlightGear at
> > least provides an option to turn to less nifty rendering.
> Actually, as Stuart or Mathias have demonstrated here, that's not always 
> true. We seem to be getting more random buildings for less framerate impact 
> for instance. Same was true with the clouds or with the geodinfo() which 
> suddenly was a factor 50 faster.

There could sometimes be room for improvement but that is only because
of slightly less optimal use of resources in the current implementation.
But in general the argument sticks.

Don't get me wrong; every improvement is great (and welcome) but it is
silly to expect (or almost demand) Rembrandt to run on older hardware.


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