
..this means we can now build FG scenery 
with sumo-simulated road traffic??? 
Source: http://sumo.sourceforge.net/

..debian users: 'aptitude install sumo sumo-doc sumo-tools ',
quick listing:
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ dpkg -l |grep sumo 
ii sumo       0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO) 
ii sumo-doc   0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO),
                              documentation and examples 
ii sumo-tools 0.15.0~dfsg-1 Simulation of Urban MObility (SUMO), 
                              tools and scripts 
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ man sumo
arnt@celsius:/tmp$ sumo --help
SUMO sumo Version 0.15.0
 Copyright (C) 2001-2012 DLR and contributors;
http://sumo.sourceforge.net A microscopic road traffic simulation.

Usage: sumo [OPTION]*
Configuration Options:
  -c, --configuration-file FILE       Loads the named config on startup
  --save-configuration FILE           Saves current configuration into
  --save-template FILE                Saves a configuration template
                                        (empty) into FILE
  --save-schema FILE                  Saves the configuration schema
                                        into FILE 
  --save-commented                    Adds comments to saved template,
                                        configuration, or schema

Input Options:
  -n, --net-file FILE                 Load road network description
                                        from FILE 
  -r, --route-files FILE              Load routes descriptions
                                        from FILE(s) 
  -a, --additional-files FILE         Load further descriptions from
  -w, --weight-files FILE             Load edge/lane weights for online
                                        rerouting from FILE
  -x, --weight-attribute STR          Name of the xml attribute which
                                        gives the edge weight

Output Options:
  --netstate-dump FILE              Save complete network states into
  --netstate-dump.empty-edges       Write also empty edges
                                        completely when dumping
  --summary-output FILE       Save aggregated vehicle departure
                                info into FILE
  --tripinfo-output FILE      Save single vehicle trip info into FILE 
  --vehroute-output FILE      Save single vehicle route info into
  --vehroute-output.exit-times  Write the exit times for all edges 
  --vehroute-output.last-route  Write the last route only 
  --vehroute-output.sorted      Sorts the output by departure time

Time Options:
  -b, --begin TIME        Defines the begin time;
                          The simulation starts at this time
  -e, --end TIME          Defines the end time;
                          The simulation ends at this time
  --step-length TIME      Defines the step duration

Processing Options:
  -s, --route-steps TIME    Load routes for the next number of
                             seconds ahead
  --no-internal-links       Disable (junction) internal links
  --ignore-accidents        Do not check whether accidents occure more deeply
  --ignore-route-errors     Do not check whether routes are connected
  --max-num-vehicles INT    Quit simulation if this number of vehicles
                             is exceeded

  --incremental-dua-step INT    Perform the simulation as a step
                                 in incremental DUA 
  --incremental-dua-base INT    Base value for incremental DUA
  --scale FLOAT                 Scale demand by the given
                                 factor (0..1)

  --time-to-teleport TIME       Specify how long a vehicle may
                                 wait until being teleported,
                                 defaults to 300, non-positive
                                 values disable teleporting
  --max-depart-delay TIME       How long vehicles wait for
                                 departure before being skipped,
                                 defaults to -1 which means
                                 vehicles are never skipped
  --sloppy-insert               Whether insertion on an
                                 edge shall not be repeated in
                                 same step once failed.
  --lanechange.allow-swap       Whether blocking vehicles
                                 trying to change lanes may be

Report Options:
  -v, --verbose                 Switches to verbose output
  -p, --print-options           Prints option values before
  -?, --help                    Prints this screen
  -V, --version                 Prints the current version
  -W, --no-warnings             Disables output of warnings
  -l, --log FILE                Writes all messages to FILE
                                 (implies verbose)
  --message-log FILE            Writes all non-error messages to
                                 FILE (implies verbose)
  --error-log FILE              Writes all warnings and errors to
  --no-duration-log             Disable performance reports for
                                 individual simulation steps
  --no-step-log                 Disable console output of current
                                 simulation step

Routing Options:
  --device.rerouting.probability FLOAT  The probability for a vehicle
                                        to have a routing device
  --device.rerouting.explicit STR     Assign a device to named vehicles
  --device.rerouting.deterministic    The devices are set deterministic
                                        using a fraction of 1000
  --device.rerouting.period TIME      The period with which the vehicle
                                        shall be rerouted
  --device.rerouting.pre-period TIME  The rerouting period before depart
  --device.rerouting.adaptation-weight FLOAT  The weight of prior edge
  --device.rerouting.adaptation-interval TIME  The interval for
                                        updating the edge weights.
  --device.rerouting.with-taz         Use zones (districts) as routing
                                        end points

Emissions Options:
  --device.hbefa.probability FLOAT    The probability for a vehicle to
                                        have an emission logging device
  --device.hbefa.explicit STR         Assign a device to named vehicles
  --device.hbefa.deterministic        The devices are set deterministic
                                        using a fraction of 1000

TraCI Server Options:
  --remote-port INT          Enables TraCI Server if set

Random Number Options:
  --random                   Initialises the random number
                                generator with the current
                                system time
  --seed INT                 Initialises the random number
                                generator with the given value

GUI Only Options:
  --gui-settings-file FILE   Load visualisation settings from FILE 
  -Q, --quit-on-end          Quits the GUI when the simulation stops 
  -G, --game                 Start the GUI in gaming mode 
  -S, --start                Start the simulation after loading 
  -T, --disable-textures     Do not load background pictures

  sumo -b 0 -e 1000 -n net.xml -r routes.xml
    start a simulation from time 0 to 1000 with given net and routes
  sumo -c munich_config.cfg 
    start with a configuration file
  sumo --help
    print help

Report bugs at <http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/sumo/>.
Get in contact via <sumo-u...@lists.sourceforge.net>.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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