Am 11.11.2012 10:52, schrieb Thomas Geymayer:
> Everything works great here. Save own flights, playback own and your
> flights (Nice approach btw.;)  ). Only with jsbsim the "my controls"
> button is missing, but that wasn't working before neither...

Good. ;-)

Right, the "my controls" button is currently intentionally disabled for 
JSBSim and for YASim helicopters. Only works with YASim aircraft so far.

YASim reads in all relevant properties before each iteration, so any 
external change to a property (aircraft angle, velocity) takes immediate 
effect. This is why it is easy to just take over control of a "replay 
session": when the replay system has restored the state of all relevant 
properties, we can just reenable the FDM calculation - and YASim just 
takes it from there and continues.

Unfortunately that's different with YASim helicopters: the rotor speed 
(pretty much the most important property of a helicopter) isn't read 
from the property tree. So, if you took over control in mid-air, YASim 
ignores the rotor speed set by the replay system - and the helicopter 
dropped like a stone. I tried to fix this a while ago, but it turned out 
to be more complex than expected.

It's the same issue with JSBSim, if I remember correctly. It doesn't 
read (at least not all) properties prior to an iteration, so external 
changes to aircraft properties don't have any effect.

It's possible to start JSBSim with a given velocity/angle/.. though, 
like we do when initially starting FlightGear or trigger a simulator 
reset. However, we currently can't just reinitialize or tear down and 
recreate a single subsystem - at least that is currently not working 
with the FDM subsystem. The whole (re)initialization phase has a lot of 
dependencies and fixed sequences. So that currently also isn't an option.

The hope is that will change. We have already cleaned up a lot of 
subsystem / initialization things over the past year - and more things 
are planned. Eventually, I hope we can just recreate an FDM at any time 
("out of thin air"... ;-) ) with arbitrary initial settings.


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